I have my sons with me now and it has been a struggle to say the least.....they want everything and now...I talked to a guy that I felt good about and he told me about his different products and services. My wife felt good about it so I bought his company $200.oo manuel...so far so good. I did a little credit enhansment and I am on my way. Do you know if this stuff ever back fires? What do you think board? thank you again , kev
Well if you got yourself a new credit file it is very illegal go to http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/credit/creditid.htm and read all about it.....Since you started I think it is a good thing if you stopped now. Advice to you would be....do a lil more research before trying something new..........Good Luck!
The Piggy-back method..... My sister added me..and made me contractually liable to one her and her husbands account. kev
Re: The Piggy-back method..... are you saying your sister made you an authorized user or joint user to a cc account? that can work in your favor, but creating a new credit file is against the law...... I hope you reconsider> and kids have to learn to wait sometime,new and brandname does not mean better. I am telling you to start teaching them now how to appreciate what they do have ( a dad that loves them and is willing to do whatever makes them happy) is more important than designer duds right now. don't try to console them for the bad experiences they may have had by purchasing their love or friendship.
Re: The Piggy-back method..... Never once did the manuel say to lie about my ss#... They said to go with companies that say: ss#/EIN#. And it said you don't have to lie.....and tell the creditor if they ask, that this is the number I have my credit under! Why is it that when people don't understand: they are so ready to ignorantly criticize! I am not going to say anymore of I this is done because I paid to much to give out free information. kev
Re: The Piggy-back method..... hmmmmmm kev, It's not a matter of not understanding, rather understanding. The question should be, why is it when someone wants justification to do something illegal the board is criticized for being critical, close-minded or not interested in considering new options? Sassy
Re: The Piggy-back method..... hey kev, i would like to know why you paid $200 for "legal" information, that is readily available in any library (creating a tax id number). As most creditnetters are always open to new and different ways of interpreting or finding loopholes in the laws, could you please clarify. From what i've seen, people on this board will apologize if they are wrong. humblemarc
Re: The Piggy-back method..... That's your next big mistake. You don't have anything in your precious $200 book we haven't already heard. hmmm... Let's see if I can hear your internal conversation: "I can't believe I paid $200 for information I coulda got for free on CreditNet. So they MUST be wrong". Go ahead do it your way. lol
Re: The Piggy-back method..... Excuse me there Kev, but if you simply say "this is the # I have my credit under", that in itself is a lie. What about all the bad credit under your ss# that you are trying to hide? Tsk, tsk, tsk, not a good idea.
Re: The Piggy-back method..... I am feeling SO generous tonight, here's my contribution: go to: http://www.irs.gov/faqs/display/0,,i1=54&genericId=15855,00.html click on form SS4 print the form fill out the form go to, GASP, NOT a credit-net thread: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?threadid=27456 Poach the phone number Dial the phone number Speak to IRS drone Write down the EIN # as recited by the drone (legible is really good) Use the number for its intended purpose Check your mail until hard copy arrives Open your mail File the official drone documentation somewhere you can find it again Go back to the credit-net thread above and post a thank you. Make out a check to Sassy for $299.99 (yes I am more expensive than a book, but worth it, look how fast this is and I spared you endless intro pages). Sassy signs check over to PBM who forwards it to the finest bumping bumper of all that maintains the FAQ, Dave. Dave inserts a don't be stupid link in the FAQ (right under the definition for bump, bumping and bumpage). The don't be stupid link takes you right back, yes that's right -- full circle, to the FREE, yep FREE, IRS site that tells you how to use the number correctly so you don't go to jail. Sassy
Hey KG. Welcome. Can I throw some unwanted advice your way? Having been in financial trouble myself, I have learned some things over the years. You can't borrow your way out of debt. Do your sons a favor and teach them through your own examples on how to be financially responsible. Teach them that they can't have it all NOW. Otherwise, they are going to suffer the same problems that you are/have. Racking up more debt, under your own SSN or an EIN, doesn't address the core problem of spending more than you make. You can survive just fine without credit and with bad credit. Learn to save. Learn to pay cash for what you want. Learn how to insure and hedge against disasters. Learn to make the merchants beg you for your business rather than you begging them for the privledge of paying too much interest to buy their uneeded products. It can be very empowering when you unhitch yourself from the credit yoke and decide to live life on your terms. The creditors don't want you anyhow, so run with it and learn how to live without them. Good luck. I think you are going to need it.