Thanks to every one on this board , was able to get a 2002 GMC Truck 3.9 apr, this was great , before they always wanted 19% for a loan , Thanks again for all the help
The first dealership showed my score ex 622 by the time I had went to the third dealership it had dropped to 576 from the inquries , You really have to stand your ground to get a good rate , Thanks Pat!
You got a good deal. My Camry loan is at 5.9%. CONGRATS P.S. I am still happy with my car loan interest because I got a really good price on the car. It's all give and take.
That is a great rate also, I was able to get a gms certif. and that dropped almost 7000 off the truck so it went from 28 down to 21 that also helped.
Pam I know what you mean by the GMS, I got a 2002 Tahoe fully loaded and it was 39,000 but with the GMS and my down payment I ended up financing 33,000 if I can watch my miles, I'll stay on top....just a FYI.....Dealers HATE THE GMS Discount