Hey everyone! I am in the process of disputing items on my credit. On June 28th, 2002, I disputed some credit cards on my Transunion report. They had until July 27th to respond. I didnt get a call, an email, ANYTHING. So, I sent them a certified letter asking that the items be removed since they didnt do their job within the 30 days allotted. Im excited b/c it happened that way but at the same time, Im also scared that they're going to hit me with 'We've done it and here it is.' Also, I disputed it online AND printed out the confirms for it. What do I do now?What if they refuse to remove it, even though they didnt verify ANYTHING I disputed (I did send them a copy of the confirmation page that was displayed on my screen). I am currently working on Equifax and Experian at the same time. Are either of them harder than the other? Any tips that anyone can give in regards to disputing, what to do and what not to do, Id appreciate it. I feel so confused with all these print outs in front of me. Right now, Im just waiting on Transunion to send me a copy of my credit report WITH the deleted items.
ALSO...when you dispute your credit, is it 30 days or 30 business days? Im concerned about that as well b/c I have always read that its 30 days. I have a friend that received a letter on the 32nd day and they said that that was within the 30 days! UGH Im so nervous! I just want the information GONE!!
I'm also new to credit disputes. I started mine 2 months ago. I believe 30 days means 30 days (and allow for 3-4 days extra for delivery). I got my fastest reponse from TU (they replied after only 2 weeks). I've found both EQ and TU to be the easiest to deal with. EX is a pain in my experience. If you don't have your results back within 30 days, you're right in demanding they do what you asked them whether they like it or not. By the way.. how many did you dispute at once?
This is incorrect. They have 30 days from the day they receive it not the day you sent it. And, they also have 5 days after the 30 days to notify you, which would mean they have until August 1st.
I disputed everything that was there and appeared to be negative. I did it all at once. No rhyme or reason for doing it that way but a couple of my friends did, so I chose that route as well. And to the person that posted below (I believe the name is LKH), everywhere that I read says 30 days. Even if you send off the dispute on a Monday, the time clock starts ticking right then and there. I havent heard that you have to allow them anything beyond 30 days. It seems that every message board I read says 30 days, period, no fluff included.
I believe this is incorrect. They have to receive it for the 30 days to begin. Take a CRRR for example, the 30 days begins on the day they sign the green card. Also, with the reply--I believe it has to be DATED w/in the 30 day allowance, not that you have to receive it w/in 30 days. I would tack on a couple of days for mailing. I have a letter going out to TU about a dispute that they received on 7/1. I'll be mailing it on/around 8/4.
Okay...thanx for responding, Tracy, without sarcasm. Question for you though...if you dispute online, say, on a Saturday, they would receive it the following business day, correct?
I'll ignore that comment also. But if you dispute online, the 30 days will start when you get the confirmation.
LKH...I got the confirmation shortly after on that same day. I printed out (as it says to do for your records).
You usually will get the confirmation at the time you dispute or shortly thereafter. 30 days from confirmation.
You usually will get the confirmation at the time you dispute or shortly thereafter. 30 days from confirmation. It must be completed within 30. If it takes the full 30, then they have an extra 5 to get the results to you.
jia- I believe a simple apology may be in order for LKH, afterall he responded to your question and you questioned him. He has been here since March of 2000 and has posted MANY times. He might not have said what you wanted to hear, but he was telling you how it is.
LOL! Apology for what? For him/her misunderstanding what I said, taking it the wrong way?I meant no offense when I posted to LKH but that is the way he/she took it. When I posted in another thread about LKH being sarcastic, I was saying that b/c of the way the post was addressed to me, not b/c I was mad. I dont get mad at people over the net...its too juvenile.