New Letter For CA's Who Sell Off

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by iammagi, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. iammagi

    iammagi Well-Known Member

    I'm sending this letter to the subsequent CA's. I see it's becoming a habit that a request to validate only results in them selling off the debt to another CA. I've had it threateniing them with a slap on the wrist. From now on it's jail for these criminals. And I mean it too. I'm reseaching the Pro-Se groups on proper procedures to press criminal charges against the officers of the CRA's and CA's. Any help would be appreciated.

    «City1», «State1» «Zip1»
    RE: Account # «Account1» / Original Creditor: «Original_Creditor»

    Dear Sir/Madame:

    This letter is to inform you that FIRST NATIONAL COLLECTION BUREAU has sold you an account that they have failed to validate as required by law. Now you in turn are in violation of the FDCPA. Both you and FIRST NATIONAL are causing liability for MIDFIRST BANK / BARNETT BANK. If you cannot properly validate be warned that to collect on a debt that you know is not legal is a violation of the RICO Act and you expose the officers of all entities involved to criminal prosecution by Federal authorities. You must immediately cease all collection activity, cease reporting this to the collection agencies, and DO NOT sell this unsubstantiated account to another collection agency.

    That said, this is a request for validation made pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Please complete and return the attached disclosure request form.

    Be advised that I am not requesting a "verification" that you have my mailing address, I am requesting a "validation;" that is, competent evidence that I have some contractual obligation to pay you.

    You should also be aware that sending unsubstantiated demands for payment through the United States Mail System might constitute mail fraud under federal and state law. You may wish to consult with a competent legal advisor before your next communication with me.

    In addition, please take notice that this is my formal request for your office to cease communication with me by phone. Should your office find it necessary to communicate with me regarding any activity on this account, please do so in writing at the above address.

    Your failure to satisfy this request within the requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act will be construed as your absolute waiver of any and all claims against me, and your tacit agreement to compensate me for costs and attorney fees.


  2. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

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