New perspective..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I was thinking today when I actually enjoyed checking my mail how things have changed in the past year.

    I used to trash about 80% of what I got in the box, 75 of that 80% was un-opened mail. If it wasn't a child support check, letter, card or something I was familiar with, it immediately went into the trash.

    Today I actually open my mail :) The one downfall I have is (going against all principles we teach and learn here) that IF it should be from a collection agency I open the checkbook and mail a check. Then I get on the phone and let them know, the "check is in the mail". I know I know...I should validate first. BUT when you have worked as long and as hard as I have on my credit I will NEVER let another collection account appear again.

    When I receive a credit card statement, I open the checkbook and send a payment that very day. Before I was always waiting for 7 days until due date to "hope" I had the money to pay it. Now I always have the money to pay it, and if the payment due is $20, like Target was (balance $57.53) I pay the whole balance. If the balance were $287 like Dillard's and min payment is $25 I pay $100.

    I know most of you have quit reading by now, but it is a great feeling for me, knowing I can pay more than the minimum, no late fees, no overlimit fees and I can pay ON TIME. Also knowing I will never have another "baddie" on my credit reports again.

    I just sent NCO 2 checks today for $137 and $28 for medical bills...not taking a chance they will hit the big 3!!!

    In 6 months my inquiries won't count much, I'll have some history on my new accounts and I'll be set. I don't intend to apply for anything else until I get another vehicle (usually every 18 months). We are in the process of re-financing our home and I actually get to be on the loan this time *YEAH*!!

    I just want you all to know, you can and will succeed it just takes time and patience :)
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Unless a CA CRA or Creditor Screws up.
  3. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I think everyone who frequents this board has changed some of their habits. I have for certain. I started visting this board last June and the biggest thing for me is that I NEVER procrastinate with respect to doing any kind of 'paper work' whether it's bill paying or filling out insurance claims, or anything else.

    I have also paid off most of my credit card debt and while I did not reach my goal of having it all paid this month because of some unexpected and unavoidable roadblocks, I'm getting very close.
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Good for you. :) You have come a long way and I am glad you were able to achieve success. You've been down a long, tedious path.

  5. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can barely remember the time when I would pay the bill when it first arrived in the mail. I have my bank send the money 10 days prior to the due date now. I can't wait until I'm credit card debt free. Boy are we going to have a wonderful holiday season. We will be cc debt free in December. We would LOVE to finally purchase a home then..we might end up waiting until early Spring. Guess only time will tell..

    I hope others decide to share their stories. It really helps those of us that are still paying off credit card debts.....

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I feel you 100% Christi and Mist. I enjoy the newfound "freedom' that comes with being educated and experienced with dealing with credit and misc issues that can become credit issues.
  7. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Three years ago, I wasn't paying my bills.

    Two years ago, I was taking out payday loans to pay my bills.

    One year ago, I began to truly learn about credit--not only the intelligent use of it, but the laws surrounding it.

    Today (roughly an hour ago, in fact, during a long lunch break) I signed a contract on a new 3 BR house that should be ready around mid-August.

    In a nutshell, I've seen what life is like with bad credit, and I would just as soon perform eye surgery on myself before going back to that ever again. Granted, some credit lumps I've taken are still healing, but thanks to this board, I'm at a much better station in life than our de facto caste system (aka FICO) would relegate me to.

    Like Christi said, it takes time and patience...

  8. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it a great feeling to pay bills as they come in the mail??!!! I used to pile the bills up until my next paycheck then send everything out, but by then something was already late or close to being late. I had to actually try to get a paycheck ahead of myself so that I knew there would always be money in the bank to pay the bills as they came in. And once I stopped paying late and over the limit fees I was able to catch up. Now I am actually able to save money!!

    I started repairing my credit by getting my student loans out of default with the Rehab. Program in 12/2000 and then in 12/2001 I ordered all 3 reports again and started on the smaller stuff (probably should have started sooner, but I am making progress). All of my negatives are due to come off this year anyway, except for one paid judgement on each CR.

    I am also looking to buy a house around December, just need to give a little more time to clean up the reports... then I am set!!!


    Happy disputing to all!!

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