New Tactic by Equifax

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MisterB, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. MisterB

    MisterB Active Member

    Hello everyone:

    I am on a credit card as an authorize user, that has a $15k limit and a $0 balance. The company sent me a credit card to use. I have requested to the credit card company, for the past two months, to post to my credit report the payment history. Today, talking to my friend, who is a loan officer, told me something that might be coming down the line and why the history has not been posted. They said Equifax may stop posting tradelines for "authorized users" of a credit card. Equifax is claiming that the authorze user is not liable for the payment on the card. Therefore, the authorize user should not get reporting of payment history. My friend is going to do some more investigating. Has anybody else heard about this?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    The question was which of the three CRAs was going to be the "first" to have it impact the FICO model. Looks like Equifax is it.
  3. tothetop!

    tothetop! Well-Known Member

    Just to think I was going to spend $2000 on seasoned tradelines...Good thing I didn't listen to apex service's comment on how it wont have an affect on credit reports.

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