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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nocode, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. nocode

    nocode Member

    Hello. I really appreciate all the information Ive been getting here.

    I went into default/collections on several loans/credit cards in mid 2001. I began receiving judgements and chargeoffs by late 2001 to early 2002. I filed chapter 7 in Feb 2002, and it was discharged on April 30th of 2002.

    Since the bankruptcy, my credit has been been as perfect as possible with the help of my wife. She has 780+ credit and cosigned me on 2 credit cards and now 2 auto loans(1 of which is now paid off). Ive not had a late payment or any new collections and only 1 inquiry in the last year. We are looking to buy a house this summer and so I started doing what I should have several years ago....rebuilding. Ive found a few problems that should have been fixed and need some advice. Any help would be appreciated.

    I found a few small errors in TU(726) and Exp(722), but Equifax(580) is killing me.

    There are 2 banks which I have charge offs with. The inital late payments were in may or june of 2001. Charge offs began in late 2001. Bankruptcy was filed in Feb 2002. So since the bankruptcy was involved, which dates do I use as the date to base the drop off on my tradeline? The Charge off, the inital delinquency, or the BK? Both are still reporting as charge offs instead of included in BK, and show activity from this year which I assume means it'l be 7 years from this year instead of 2001!

    The other thing is one of these banks I had a savings account and the loan. My credit report shows two tradelines, one obviously being the loan, the other I assume to be the savings account. If I was never delinquent or overdrawn on the savings, can that tradeline legally be there?

    Again, thanks for any forthcoming help!

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    How do TU and Exp show the accounts that you believe are causing your Eq scores to tank? If TU and Exp have simply dropped off those accounts, that might be why they are high. On the other hand, if they are shown as IIB, yet your scores are high, but on Eq they are NOT IIB, and your scores are low, then perhaps that is your answer regarding how to handle Eq.

    "Overdrawn" is debt, and debt is eventually charged off. It would not matter that it was a savings account that was overdrawn, it would be reportable, and affect you negatively.
  3. nocode

    nocode Member

    This bank doesn't report to the other two bureaus. So to which dates do I dispute to get equifax to fix their report? The dates on Exp and TU might be wrong on some of my other Charge off's as well, but the fact that they are showing it as INCLUDED instead of a charge off may be helping me there.

    so we go by the date of delinquency, the date of charge off, or the date of BK?

    As far as overdrawn, what I meant was that I was never overdrawn on that savings account unless they tacks fees onto it from the loan being in default. The tradeline for the savings account has zeros in every single monetary category on the EQ report. The account number is some generic number...


    Date opened 01/2001,
    Activity 02/2007
    Reported 02/2007

    Current Status Inc in BK
    Comments BK, chptr 7, unsecured.

    I only had 1 loan with this bank and it's the one they charged off and haven't set to Included in Bankruptcy. The only thing I can figure is that this is the savings account. How can I be delinquent on 0$?
  4. nocode

    nocode Member

    In fact, this loan shows on my credit report as being over 90 days past due still.

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