Ok I have been her about a week now and I can't tell you how much I have learned. Why don't they teach this stuff in school?? Anyway. Here is my situation. I have 4 negatives on my CR's. All for are closed accounts paid in full. They are schedule to drop off fall of 03. I am going to try and dispute them to get them taken off ASAP. Here is the history on my negatives. 1.Car payment, late 30 days 3 times. Paid in full. This will drop off 12/05 2.Furniture loan 30 days 4 times, 60 days 1. Drop off 8/03 3.Credit Card. 30 days 6 times-Closed paid in full schedule to drop off 9/03 4.Credit card 30 days 3 times. Still open, Zero balance. Late pay will drop off 10/03 Which of these should I dispute first and how should I handle the dispute? Should I say "Not mine?" or "Never late?" In addition to this I will be disputing inquiries. Should I just say "Not mine" On these disputes. thanks
Try on-line disputes, I have had the best luck with that. But I also sent out validation letters about 2 weeks before I did that. Not everything came off but it worked pretty good. You may be able to say never late and have it work but sometimes it's best just to say not mine.
For the inquiries, dispute them as "No knowledge of inquiry". The late payment history on all of the accounts doesn't sound terribly extensive. You might just try calling the creditors, give them a sob story about the mail or whatever, and ask if they'll re-rate the accounts for you before you dispute with the CRAs. As for whether to dispute as Never Late or Not Mine--well, it's a matter of opinion. Once you've disputed as Never Late, you won't be able to dispute as Not Mine. Well, you can, but if they notice they'll toss your dispute out as frivolous. -- cnswift
New to this, suggestions? I'm semi-new to this.....The one thing I can tell you is SAVE EVERYTHING. If you dispute online, print out everything. I've only disputed once and my item was deleted...but never taken off.....I lost the letter they sent me...I'm SOL. I'll dispute it again I guess...Good luck to you Me