Not to pile on, but you were indiscreet to ask about his profession & income to begin with. I understand your impression of some board members because I thought the same when I joined a few weeks ago. However, you shouldn't press, especially after getting rebuffed. As to some people dispensing advice when they haven't gotten their act together, it's up to the recipient to judge the quality of the advice. If after visiting this board, even for a short time, a person doesn't realize credit cards & other types of debt can ruin you if you're not careful, you're beyond help. Rina -- Conquering through Christ... and Creditnet
Right: But don't be to harsh. It takes a new B lots and lots of time to read all the post on the board gathering and studying the Info. that enables them to see the big picture and realize there are many many angles to look at things from. You can.t expect one with only 6 post who has been around less than a Mo. to understand very much.
He is just getting a quick lesson in credinet values. Hey Rina, cool signature George, I think your score is higher than his - you can give him some advice.
LOL, George. Your 'tude is fine. I will go buy something at Walmart to show my support I will put it on my credit card.
If you have our PRIVATE WAL*MART card...MONDAY 12/31/01 is the last day for 0.00% interest for 3 months...$199.00 or more. I think CHASE WAL*MART M/C has same deal...$200+ OH, BUT THAT IS TOO MUCH TO CHARGE FOR ONE MONTH...sorry forget it...
"Isn't that how you got into financial trouble in the first place?" Hell No! "Personally I hate credit cards," If you have been reading for the past month you must realize this is not the Motley Fool Board I do not plan to abuse my credit I have been reading this board on & off forever and I consider the people here my mentors & friends. We all have our own stories some are similar. I don't recall anyone posting and stating lets get all the credit cards we can charge them up and file BK! When I was declined recently I checked my credit report and found 2 medical collections. I also have a creditor reporting lates but, will roll out the red carpet to me if I want to buy again. I came back to this board for advice. I am now disputing I can't get any validation. I will pay any debt I owe but I want to know it is mine. They have taught me how to deal w/ a collection agency and CA's are very intimidating. Way back when the post on Citi AA started I was to chicken to try. I am a Citi card holder and I just recently applied for the AA & Gold approved for both. Yet Citi would not give me an increase for the card I have had with them for the last 10 yrs. Are you a credit card missionary? Adding my .02
<sarcastic> UMMMM YEAH......... I want all the credit i can then im going to buy everything i can then file for BK then start all over. Thanks to this board I have learned how to be a lying manipulating jack off.... Thanks Bbauer and Bkev... LOL <sarcastic> Kev the lord have mercy on my charge card club
Oh yeah I plan to abuse my credit all over again and again and again and again and again. Cause i cant seem to get it through my head.. oh wait... thanks for your advice boden11 i now know the errrorrrsss of my ways and i shall repent... I shall I swear... I think Ill go buy now.. the whole thing.. REVEREND Kev i was a sinner until i got my sony platinum select card and now im going to charge...
I'm starting to think that we need a Billy Graham of Creditnet. To "SAVE" all of us credit mongers. 'Cause we all are soooooooo bad. We need to be "HEALED". Here's what I say......"Heal this!"
OK, I will call all my AUTOMATIC charges and tell them to bill me once a months bill times twelve... I'll buy $50,000 of gift cards @ various businesses. Then I have to quit for the year?!?!?!?!
George, You are a riot!! I always have to read your posts BTW...I'll take one of those gift cards you're buying, Make it Wal-Mart my store of choice
Boden, no offense (sarcastic) but since you yourself have stated that you have had charge-off's and even a 30 day late payment , how can you critique somebody else's lifestyle? Because you think using your cc's only 3-4 times a year is better than George's usage? Well since his fico probably blows yours away, do us all a favor and use your card 20 or 30 times tommorrow (yes, that's at least 3 hours of shopping throughout the day) and go buy packs of gum, chips, or a sodas. When you get up in the 800's maybe then others will listen to you.
Boden, Please tell me that you "get" the issue with the ratios! I am a perfect example of how "too little" credit can KILL your scores. I was spooked a few years back having lost a card. I closed all my credit cards and cut them up except for one. I eventually got another one. My FICO went down as low as 619. Now that I've added more credit my FICO is 749. Very little else has changed although I am paying down debt. So, please "get it"!!! I own TWO homes with TWO perfect payment histories on the mortgages the oldest of which is 15yrs of payment history. VERY high household income. Only negs were a coupla 30day lates AND I couldn't GET credit! It was 95% because of the ratios!!!! I thought that closing those accounts was a financially responsible thing to do. My reasoning was I couldn't lose (or have stolen) something I didn't have. FICO thinks otherwise!!! And what FICO says affects the rates people are forced to pay for mortgages and car loans - items few people can pay cash for! So, to summarize... More credit = higher FICO = lower house payments. Get it?????
this board has been very helpful i now have multiple visa's and mastercards and few retail cards and a carl loan threw ford motor credit a year ago no one would touch me.. every try to buy a plain ticket,rent a car, g et your 8 yr old tickets to brittany spears with out a credit card??? you have to have credit in todays age and this board is slowly helping me get mine THANK YOU
Credit does not get people in trouble, it is the LACK OF EDUCATION about the MISUSE OF CREDIT that gets people in trouble, once.... sometimes twice... And yes, I am very happy that I just received 2 Citi cards in the mail today. And I am happy that, although the contract on a house I was buying fell through, I sat in apartment mgr's office today, and she told me that my credit was great (EQ--only neg is 9.5 year old BK). I am a happy EDUCATED CREDITNETER!!! CARIBA