New user--question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by boden11, Dec 20, 2001.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    With two new Citi cards :D

  2. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    I don't claim to be some genius about CC, however I do need to rebutt some of those past comments...ok

    **in RE to the 'oh he's a new B, what do u expect from someone with 6 posts' :

    oh ok i guess the more you post the smarter you become, regardless of how smart/stupid you were to begin with. jeezus christ, what kind of reasoning is that.

    **in RE to the stab at my credit:

    i have NOT had any charge offs and 1 30 day late is par for the course for having credit for about 5 yrs. (other than that blemish my record is perfect). i'd estimate my score to be around 710-660, only because of not having enuff credit. (on the eloan free score it was like 723 and on yahoo's one which is like TU or some non true FICO score it was like 680+)

    **in RE to the jumping down my throat and saying how you all learned your lesson back in college when u charged up 20k in cc debt ...:

    well great, hopefully u learned ur lesson the first time, but there's no reason why there had to be a first time. i realize that credit cards are tempting, but considering that the 'back in college i was careless' story is one of the most common (and i'm not directing this comment to EVERYONE, but you people who did this know who u are) i mean what's with that b.s. excuse? I know it's tempting and all that, but don't you read the fine print? You MUST HAVE known that you had to pay the money back...and when you saw the 20% APR didn't you realize that was going to cost a lot even if you did just make minimum payments? I mean you're in college, you must understand the concept of percentages. charge 2k and you'll be paying back AT LEAST 2,2k in 1 yr, not to mention min. finance charges and all that jazz they throw in there to jack up their yield. you must have had money in the bank accruing interest, didn't you see your situation as how the credit card company was, except with insane fees/rates. (you lending money to the companies lending money to you).

    i never had a first time...guess i'm not just a stupid new B with 6 posts.

    btw, i can't believe this post is still like #4 on the thread list even 6 hours or so after posting it. keep the ranting and raving going ! woot
  3. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    I have been reading all these crap you have spewing out. I thought I will just read and stay out of it but frankly, I am getting stew at your insensitivity. Let me guess, you must be one those real bright students in college. The kind that mom and dad had everything mapped out for them before they got there. You must have had one great college life. Let me picture this, Boden11 sitting in his dorm room with his calculator on a nice Friday night calculating how much interest he is saving by not using his credit cards. You deserve some award by figuring out how to compute percentages. You're on intelligent human being!

    The stuff you just spilled out is percentages 101 and everyone who has attempted a high school algebra class will know that. Don't proclaim yourself as a some smart guy or some crap like that. I am happy for you that you did not have learn about managing credit the hard way. You are missing the point, I knew what the consequences were when i was using the cards in college, I just didn't care and I am not blaming on anybody but me. I had better things to do with my life in college than be worrying about things like that. If you have something intelligent to contribute, please share it with the rest of us dumb people or else shut your piehole and leave us morons with bad credit alone. Out!
  4. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    Actually on friday nights it was kegger time. Actually, many times 4 nights out of the week were party nights. Sorry, but I did indeed party hard during the weekends...even had to get taken away in an ambulance once from a little too much drinking at one party. And no, my parents didn't pay for everything, I worked all thru college and most of high school and ALL of it went towards rent, food, bills. I just spent a little time reading the fine print and realized that if something sounds to good to be true (free money) IT PROBABLY IS. don't get all pissed at me because when i was in college i had the sense not to run up thousands of dollars in cc bills buying stereos and couches and designer clothes. (most of the people i know who went crazy in college bought those kinda things, not the 'shit my car broke down, i've got $200 in the bank, i already am ten days late on rent and now i can't get to work' kinda thing. i've seen em, have no money but since they got plastic they'll take everyone in their dorm/apartment out for lunch...or go to the movies, buy stuff they DONT need.)
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why should we have to pay higher cost just because of this?
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Boden looks to be either:

    1) one of the folks recently banned
    2) a CA

    I think #1 is most likely, then #2. Regardless, Boden registered with the board using a throwaway dialup Netzero account in southern Cal.

  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    First of all, when I came to this board I thought "what can these people teach me that I haven't already learned in my credit repair process" Boy was I surprised when I pulled my head out of my ass and opened my eyes, might I suggest you do the same. YES the more posts or the longer you are here the more you learn. However I never had the audacity to come on here and play the holier than thou queen.
    Being in any one of our positions would make you a wiser person. You have NO idea what any of us have gone through, how we got there, or how we are getting out of it.
    Not as though it is any of your business, but my "credit problems" didn't come til AFTER I graduated college. I was in a great job, getting married, got pregnant, then BAM my company didn't need a pregnant woman running around working for them. It was a physically challenging job and all the other women that worked there were office women, no more room for pregnant ol' me. I tried to sue, but in that state an employer can fire you at ANYTIME for ANY reason. I didn't have enough proof!! My husband (now fiancee then) didn't make enough money to pay my student loans, MINOR credit card debt, car payments etc. SOMETHING had to be put aside.
    So maybe if you walked a mile in someone else's shoes, you'd be a little more greatful for what you have.
  8. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Everyone does not receive a financial education from their parents.

    Plastic seemed like a gift to me in college. I had no understanding of interest rates, late fees, etc.

    Blessed is the child that has parents to teach them the ways of the credit world. Not everyone has that blessing.

    I will begin working with a non-profit in the New Year which does homebuyer education and also consumer credit education. In particular, they are doing a program in conjunction with Freddie Mac called CreditSmart at some area colleges. Wish I had that knowledge back in the day!


  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This reply just proved my point!
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Hey doc,
    I completely agree with you. Obviously this is a member from the past who reregistered just to start some s$^t. He's a legend in his own mind. It's actually kind of amusing how these people pop up from time to time to cause trouble.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    These kind think they know it all;but what they don't No is. they don't NO it at all!
  12. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    What I think is really upsetting is that we have yet another war (similar to a bauer/bk brawl), and yet who is it here to help? My own circumstances were something quite unexpected. Can you imagine losing your voice for 9 months at different periods and not being able to work, having a complicated pregnancy and not being able to work? No, I don't think you do. When I was in college and just a measly paid RA, I paid my bills. I did other things to stash. My father loaded my bank account with book money. I paid my bills, partied a little, but checked my text books out from the library. So see, we aren't stupid, ignorant, or in any way flippant about credit? Let's face it, credit determines our worth and character in this society. I work with attorneys that make well into the 6 figures and can you imagine the embarrasment of not being able to use your own credit card to pay for a hotel (which you will be reimbursed for) because you do not qualify for the corporate AMEX card. We are all improving our self-worth and moral character here. I just don't and won't believe that we are hoping to hold 25 credit cards and charge our way through life without paying. To insuinuate that people here are credit-card mongers would be an absolute waste of your thoughts. To further disrupt valuable education (as we all have to learn from our mistakes) would be an absolute misfortune.

    Now that's just my $.02. I could go on, but hey you get the point.
  13. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    you guys can decide whether or not to go on and on. anyway that entire comment about the classic 'going crazy with plastic in college' story was just that, ONLY DIRECTED TO THOSE PEOPLE. if you were pregnant and got fired and had student loans and such, that comment was totally irrelevant to ur situation ...SO DONT JUMP DOWN MY THROAT.

    and no im not some banned user resurrected to cause crap. but u guys all need to take a chill pill. i dont think i know more than u about how to raise my fico with the proper ratio of revolving credit / what not or the number of ccs needed, but i do know how to handle finances.

    oh and to the ******* that thinks he's all cool cuz he 'traced' my ip to netzero and thinks im in southern california. grow up...jeezus, gotta sink down to my level now? :)
  14. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    'Preciate the that we've cleared this BS up, I am glad to know that you do realize that people have had other situations that have propelled them to the land of the disenchanted (temporarily I might add). I just want you to have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, good Kwanza, or just a day! Remeber that people are entitled to their own opinions. That's what makes being an American so great. Just wanted to clear that up! No throat jumping intended, just lettin' ya know pumpkin!
  15. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    And also the folks here who have nothing whatsoever wrong with their credit. :) I agree with Kitt, thank you for sharing, live and let live, and have a delightful holiday.

  16. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and misuse of proper nouns (Friday NOT friday) is appalling for someone who is SO MUCH BETTER than we are.

  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I agree ,It's purty badd fer sumbuddy who
    nose it all:
  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    So, Boden11, why are you here, better yet, STILL here?
  20. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    well i should be glad then that there is only a fico score for credit and not a gico score for grammar. i did score a 650 on the SAT I in verbal... just because i don't properly punctuate and capitalize words (Friday not friday) on a web board doesn't mean im an idiot.

    oh and i got a 650 in math also (1300 SAT) yeah

    graduated from college (i would tell you, but ud probly try and determine my secret identity and stalk me for poking fun at someone's frequent use of a cc) with a BS in business-finance (3.14 gpa) AT THE AGE of 21. (don't turn 22 until 2002) but yeah, im a moron

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