New user--question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by boden11, Dec 20, 2001.

  1. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    You have no idea what type of people you dealing with on this board. Don't be flaunting your 3.14 GPA around here like it's something special. I will not lower my standards to your level to tell you where I went to college or what I do. I will say this, most of people on this board are much better educated and had much higher gpa's in college than you did. What are you trying to do or get accomplished with all this nonsense?
  2. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Well, since we're flaunting and I'm stupid, here's my life:

    22 and full time professional employee
    president of honor society
    800 verbal on SAT and 650 math
    3.95 GPA in college
    National Dean's List
    Who's Who Among American High School students for three years
    and MANY other honors and such

    But I only bring this up because you doesn't make me an expert, but let me tell you something, I made credit mistakes yes, but I give advice without insulting people although I have achieved more than you. I didn't come on here as a newbie and flaunt my so called "intellect" and demand that people justify their credit decisions.

  3. superadman

    superadman Banned

    bogen, this is a great and informative board that even you can benefit from. Why would you want to ruffle everyone's tail feathers with this B.S.?!

    If you have a problem with us or our ways you are free to leave. How could you expect people to not be offended by your condescending, arrogant, antisocial and sometimes ignorant comments?

    Are you really college educated?! Many of us get pleasure from sharing this information and benefiting from it while observing others improve their situations. Your negativity is raining on my parade. Keep your inner evil to yourself.
  4. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    By the way, little boy, we have doctors and lawyers on this board. Are you going to call them stupid? Are you going to have the gall to say you're better educated than them just because you don't use a credit card to buy gum?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I WISH THIS THREAD WOULD DIE...............
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Listen kiddo wisdom comes with age, not a college degree. I too graduated from college it doesn't make me any better than anyone else.
  7. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Albert Einstein flunked math. Bill gates dropped out of college. And I got 1310 (720 Math/ 590 Verbal) on my SAT's. The rest of you may line up to kiss my ring. Except for author_22, you're excused; very impressive resume. ;)
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I'm smart too! No, really, I am.....

    Deans List 4 semesters in a row
    3.85 GPA
    Graduated 2 years with 120 Credits
    Could have 2 associates degrees, but chose 1 2-year and 1 4-year
    Completed 4 years of college in 2 years
    SAT's sucked, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid
  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Glad you can admit it.
  10. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member


  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    I think the young man is admitting to meeting the clinical standard for the "moron" designation. According to Binet (of Stanford-Binet intelligence assessment fame), a clinical moron can achieve an overall IQ of no more than 60 (where 100 is the mean, and every ten point block is equivalent to one standard deviation). Frankly, I'm impressed that our resident moron is able to contribute to this board at all; however, with extensive training, even morons are capable of demonstrating learned tasks.

  12. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    You can't intimidate with all that standard deviation stuff. Remember, I have a college degree with a 3.14 GPA.
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    lol, gad8 :)

  14. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Does being on the Dean's "other list" count?
  15. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Amen, Sistah.

    I just got another card. It is merely a tool in order to:

    1. More rapidly reduce my total debt (through improved interest rates on a new card)

    2. Increase my power to negotiate rates and limits with with existing creditors. By demonstrating that I have available credit with another creditor, I can convincingly threaten to take my business elsewhere.

    3. Improve my credit rating. The additional positive tradeline helps, so does the improved debt to available credit ratio.

    My new card will not be used to make any additional purchases; I will not use this card to add to my debt.

    So new cards, for me, are not obtained to get myself in the trouble I got into in the first place. I'm getting the new card to get myself out of the trouble I've been in.

    It may seem like everyone here is trying to get additional cards all the time, but I think that those that are seriously playing the credit improvement game have a plan that only includes a few carefully chosen additions to their credit portfolio.

    This board provides the kind of feedback necessary to refine such plans.

  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I quit high school 3 1/2 weeks before graduation and I was #3 out of my class. I was so "smart" and knew everything, I chose to quit school get married and pregnant instead. Now at the age of 31, I have a BSN and am working on my Master's in Pyschology then hoping to get my PhD in psychology to become an LPC (licensed professional counselor). I have made MANY mistakes and credit was one of them, but I don't come here to rant and rave or degrade anyone for how they live.

    I am here for ONE single reason get my credit back in a manageable shape. I am re-married after being a single mom for 6 yrs going to school full-time and living on pell grants, scholarships, sporadic child support payments and welfare. I have a new home (thanks to my hubby of 4 months) and drive a new vehicle, my daughter doesn't want for a thing, but I'm tired of being so embarassed I can't or don't have credit. I made my mistakes and will NEVER make them again.

    That is why I come here, to read and ask questions. I've gained some great knowledge from the people on this board and won't even begin to try to name them all. But creditnetters.........carry on and spread the word.
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  18. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    now ur ranting cuz i went into specifics showing that i obviously wasnt a moron...jeezus christ. give it up people. im not here to spread negativity, i do really want to know how to improve my credit score so when i do get a house i can get a break of at least .4-1.5% on the rate. (which is probly the main goal of many people, since it is the most prominent loan most people will get. the customary 30 yr fixed). enuff with the flaming. oh and to the person who went off on the clinical definition of 'moron'...i've got about mid-low 150s IQ. so...what's the read in your book...just under genius? so chill.

    now im sure some people are gonna have to reply and give their own iq cuz you'll be dammed if some 'bratty' little kid who didn't get into debt is posting all this crap. but remember the whole POINT to this thread was why everyone was getting so many ccs. having been thoroughly satisfied with the done. are you?
  19. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    If you follow the advice on these boards you WILL get a mortgage with a lower interest rate than you otherwise could have. You need to pay attention. Just let us know, please, when you decide to digest the reason people add credit cards and then we can likely help you even more.

  20. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Do you have a brother named Bobby?

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