I have been trying to clean up my credit for years now and I found it's hit or miss. I got a Collection on my CR for $105 on Oct of 05. I paid the Collection for less than the original amount of $130. It is such a small amount but I think it's doing harm to my EXP Score. I am a 592 so I am doing everything possible to raise my score. I have tried to dispute the collection thru disputes with the credit bureaus as well as calling the CA to no avail. The Collection still remains so I would like to try sending letters to remove it from my CR. Which approach would be the best? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Is the account reporting correctly? Try to find some violations. Is the account type, open date, DLA, status, and account history correct? Since EXP does not report the Date of First Delinq, call them to find out, to see if maybe they have re-aged the account. If you find any violations, this is what I would do. Since the FDCPA is a strict liability, send them an ITS letter stating their violations and demand deletion and money. And they should delete quickly, as they always have done so for me. P.S. - it is best to stay off the phone with CA's, I have gotten all my 13 + collections deleted without ever paying a CA or calling one. good luck honeycomb
I have the letter ready to go to all 3 CB's. I am using the Debt Validation for my first round. Sould I send anything to the CA as well? Thanks for the help.
Credit bureaus don't validate. You dispute, they investigate, the CA verifies or corrects, and they update your file and report back to you.