
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DavidREE, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. DavidREE

    DavidREE Member

    Well, I'm glad I found the right place to be--FINALLY!

    I just spent a few hours reading posts on this site. Rather overwhelming as far as figuring out what's the best course of action.

    I recently pulled all 3 reports and scores from, and here's a summary:

    TU 675
    EQ 654
    EX 564

    A rather strange thing about my worst alleged item, a credit card charge-off that's 6 years old, as it appears very differently on all 3 reports (as displayed on!...

    On TU it shows under the OC as a REVOLVING $3.7K (pymt after C/O), and also under Collections from the CA for $5.6K. It shows under Collections on TU ONLY.

    On EQ it shows as an OPEN Acct under the name of the CA, not the OC, for $5.4K, 120+ days past due.

    On EX, it shows as an INSTALLMENT Acct under the name of the CA.

    It's not counted under total balances by TU, but is counted by EQ and EX.

    Also, both TU and EX show the CA doing a hard inquiry in 12/03.


    Next comes another card, shown on EX only as Paid after CO in '99 (didn't know any better) for ~$400. No show on TU or EQ.

    After that comes some other Collections stuff: One CA represents 4 items (~$1700, 800, 10, 0??) from 2 OC's (2 each), reporting one OC to TU and EX, the other OC to TU only, and nothing to EQ.

    Another CA reports the same $300 item to all 3. (Also reported to EX by yet another CA.)

    A 4th CA reports the same $300 item to TU and EQ.

    And a 5th CA reports the same $50 item to EQ and EX.

    Where do I start?

    Also, I've had many addresses, and each CRA is showing a different series of addresses. Should I first ask them each to delete all the old addresses? I just claim I never lived there?

    Thank you so much for helping me get started!!!


    P.S. I'd already brought my scores up by having a perfect record on a secure card for over 2 years, plus becoming a joint acct holder on my dad's $17K CL card, which he PIF each month. It shows my history for the full 15 years on the card, even though I joined it just over a year ago!
  2. DavidREE

    DavidREE Member


    Sorry if I overloaded. Don't worry about the other Collections, I just want to know what to do about old addresses and the 1 big item that shows up 3 diff ways!
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

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