Hi, everyone! I have a couple of questions for the group: 1) What are utility accounts considered as far as the SOL is concerned? Open accounts? Written? 2) I have a creditor that is listed on TU report as having sent my account to CA on 7/95 but the CA has the DOLA as 10/96. I have attempted to settle for the full amount of the account (ony ~$150) with both agencies in return for a deletion; the OC told me to go the CA and the CA said he had a contract with the CRA to not delete. I refused to pay and he said that although he would not sue for the account, if I disputed he would aggressively make sure the account is verified. To me though, I think that I could get it deleted through the fact that the OC lists it as in collections since 7/95. They should delete both accounts b/c of the 7 year rule, right? I am just worried that the CA will not go away that easily-they are a lawyer CA and will probably say that they are right with the DOLA. 3) What is the difference b/w the DOLA and the date of last deliquency? Any answers and advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Aleta
Welcome to the board! I *THINK* I may know the answer(s): If you stopped paying th account in 7/95 and it is listed this way with the original creditor, then it should also be listed this way with the CA. The OC should have already fallen off. CA's reage all the time, and it appears this is what they are doing. I had a CA tell me once that they may get the account right away but it may take them a year to get their ammo together, THEN they report it when they are ready to come after you. I have a CA now that says the DOLA was 12/01, the last time I went to the OC (dentist) was 11/00, and thats who they are trying to collect for. Right now, for me, that part is irrelevant cause i have them on other violations. Maybe a quick dunning letter (provided the SOL is up in your state).
Thank you KHM, I appreciate your advice. I think that I will go that way. Do you (or anyone) happen to know what the SOL for utility's are? Thanks again, Aleta
ALF- It all depends on your state. I believe a utility bills may be considered an open-end agreement. I'm sure you never signed a contract so it's not written. Good luck and keep me posted!