Newbie here

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lostinasea, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. lostinasea

    lostinasea New Member

    Okay - here's the scoop with my problems.

    I'm a nurse - yeah I know - I should make plenty of money, but I don't.

    I screwed up my credit royally a few times over the years. Every time we'd (my hubby and I) have marital problems, I'd spend money we didn't have. It was stupid, I've learned my lesson but I am screwed now.

    I went to college got the max in loans (which I can't afford to pay) and have a mortgage which is gouging me.

    All of our 'living' bills are on shut off 'notices', and mortgage 1.5 months behind (which is better than it was last month when we were officially 3 months behind). We've been working with a government credit resolution center since may and are paying off credit cards and some other bills through them. It should all be paid off in July of 2007. Seems like forever because we're paying $350/month on it.

    Our debt to income ratio is WAYYYY off. I mean by about $700 in the negative. We've tried everything. I'm working two part-time jobs, and doing agency work. My hubby is doing side jobs on top of his full-time job. It seems like we will never get caught up.

    Credit score on one place (can't remember which one) for myself was 520. Sucks big-time.

    I just don't know what to do.
    I went through and got the one credit report, and used their dispute form.
    I started with disputing almost everything on the report, but then I read that if I dispute too much then it will get red-flagged. So I cut it down to 9. Which includes, 1 job that I never worked at, 5 bills that were reported twice, 3 credit inquiries that I never authorized.

    Hopefully that will not get flagged. I'm so bogged down with all of this that I can't think. This is just MY credit report, not my hubbys. I haven't even looked into his yet.

    Suggestions/comments are welcome. Although I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Just sick of struggling. I guess you could call this a rant.

    Sorry - hopefully this doesn't upset anyone. Truly I'm not a deadbeat, just made some big mistakes that I'm trying to correct.
  2. direred

    direred Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it. Do what you can, and I know a lot about the debt ratio being way off. I was there in 2001-2005 myself.

    I started at 483 (a little over two years ago) and had a ton more bills (and was also recently late).

    You may have to fight some of the stuff, but it'll give you something to focus on.

    As far as educational loans, are they currently in deferment? I know what you mean about them, I have a ton myself.
  3. lostinasea

    lostinasea New Member


    THe student loans are in forbearance right now. So are my hubbys.

    So any suggestions?

    Have I argued too many derog reports you think?

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