Newbie need HELP! Score from 735 to 658

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Stormy3, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. Stormy3

    Stormy3 Member

    Yes I did. When I realized that I was getting nowhere with the billing agents I used WhyChat's HIPPA letter
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Which did you pay?
    Actual services rendered?
    Or the allegedly missed appointments they were billing you for?
  3. Stormy3

    Stormy3 Member

    I attached the full amount of $56. I know I shouldn't have paid but I just did because that's what the process says to do.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    What process?

    It's your choice, of course, whether to pay an illegitimate bill, and at this point $56 is hardly the issue.

    Make sure it gets removed, since if it doesn't, you are out both the money and have undermined your claim it was erroneous. At this point you are depending on the good faith of the person you talked to.
  5. Stormy3

    Stormy3 Member


    So the CA doesn't delete it! She updates it to PAID! She said that even thought the OC told her to delete it she CAN'T?????

    Oh....And I checked the BBB on this dentist and lookie what I found!

    Cincinnati BBB, Inc.
    7 West Seventh
    Suite 1600
    Cincinnati, OH 45202-2097
    (513) 421-3015

    8805 Governors Hill Drive Suite 105
    Cincinnati, OH 45249-3312
    View Location Map

    Original Business
    Start Date: 1/1/1978
    Principal(s): J. Michael Fuchs, President
    Nick Bottorff, Office Manager
    Local Phone Number: (513)697-2640
    Membership Status: This company is not a member
    TOB Classification: Dentists

    The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.

    Nature of Business

    This company offers family dental care.

    Customer Experience

    Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaints.

    The Bureau's file also shows a pattern of complaints concerning credit and or billing issues. Specifically, complaints state that consumers were billed for appointments they had made and then cancelled or for appointments they had never scheduled.

    Consumers also report that the firm continued to send invoices for payment after the consumer's insurance had made payments.

    When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.

    The Bureau processed a total of 49 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total 49 complaints in the last 36 months, 12 of those were closed in the last 12 months.

    Complaints Concerned
    Service Issues: 12
    Outcome of all complaints -
    Resolved: 4; |[Company resolved the complaint issues.
    The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.]| |[Company
    resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.]| Administratively Closed: 1; |[BBB determined the company made a reasonable offer to resolve the issues, but the consumer did not accept the offer.]| No Response: 7

    Customer Service Issues: 1
    Outcome of the complaint -
    Resolved: 1

    Product Issues: 1
    Outcome of the complaint -
    No Response: 1

    Refund or Exchange Issues: 6
    Outcome of all complaints -
    Resolved: 4; No Response: 2

    Billing or Collection Issues: 29
    Outcome of all complaints -
    Resolved: 10; |[Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.]| |[Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.]| Administratively Closed: 1; |[BBB determined that despite the company's good faith effort to address complaint issues, the consumer remained dissatisfied.
    ]| No Response: 18; |[Company failed to respond to the BBB to
    resolve or address the complaint issues.]|

    Okay....Now I'm ready for a BATTLE. Should I contact insurer?

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