newbie needs CRA addresses

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by turtleyboo, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. turtleyboo

    turtleyboo Member

    Hi all!
    I have been reading the posts here for about 6 weeks and want to start my DV's, nutcase letters, OC's, and CRA disputes. My question is: can someone please provide me with the non-PO Box address for the CRA's? I saw a similar post asking for them by "Kat", but from the links in the reply posts I was unable to get the info.

    I am nervous and excited! Thanks so much for your help. :)
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    just wanted to acknowledge your post.

    they change their address as often as most people change their undies - LOL!

    seriously though, i don't have a non-POBox address but if i come across a current one, i will make sure to post it.
  3. turtleyboo

    turtleyboo Member

    Thanks jenz123!

    I know my addresses are current (they better be after all the research I did) but my concern is attempting to send registered mail to a PO Box. However, after a couple of hours, all I have found so far are PO Boxes, so I will start there. You gotta start somewhere, right?

  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about this, it actually works in your favor.
    When you send certified mail to the PO Box, the Post Office puts a note in the box for the boxholder to go to the window to pick up / sign for the envelope. Since the box gets plenty of mail each day, your letter may take a day longer to land on the proper desk at the CA / or CRA , thus giving them a day or so less time to respond to you,
  5. turtleyboo

    turtleyboo Member

    I like that! I guess I had an image in my mind of a mailman looking at the steel PO Box asking, "Could you sign for this please?"...and since that didn't sound right, I figured I needed to just keep searching and searching until I found other addresses for the CRA's. But I like what you and jenz123 have posted.

    Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it! :)
  6. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: newbie needs CRA addresses


    isn't a steel POBox and CSR from CRA the same thing? would YOU be able to tell the difference? they are both cold and heartless with no human emotion.....
  7. turtleyboo

    turtleyboo Member

    Re: Re: newbie needs CRA addresses

    See, this really just goes to show that part of the next step from newbie into phase 2 is to stop applying logic. If something were to make sense in another application in everyday life, don't assume that when doing credit "work" (like a woman getting some "work done") that the truth or what is obvious is going to be what gets you from point A to point B. I spent a lot of time really fretting over that address thing, but now I realize that I have the addresses available, that there is not actually a "real" office with a receptionist who will get me coffee while I wait for some CRA rep to come discuss their errors with me in person, nevermind sign for my registered letter. So I think I am getting the hang of it. Then again, the Ambien helps...

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