I've read this site for several weeks and find it really interesting- The following is my situation- What would you do first? Cross country Bank 04-99 opened Amount owing 432 Charge-off 09-99 Last reported 10-02 Alliance One 04-96 Opened Balance 334 Last reported May 96 ER Solutions 12-01 Opened Balance 200.00 United Collections 10-96 Opened Balance 148.00 Last Reported 08-00 NCO Financial 04-02 Opened Balance $76.00 Last reported 10-02 SCA Credit 09-96 Opened Balance 62.00 Last reported 11-96 Chek Protekt 05-97 Opened Balance 61.00 Last reported 1-99 I know this looks bad- I am a single mom who had two kids to feed- What should I do first? EFX Score 560 XPN Score 549 TU Score 552 I do have one positive account with no lates and rated at I-1
first of all you need to read the first three posts listed and the FCRA and the FDCPA over at least three times (maybe while the kids are doing homework). I would dispute all of these with the cra's first. even the ones that are relatively recent aren't for a lot of money. which report is this from??? do you have your other reports. you should get them to see what they have on them also. once the disputes come back from the cra, you will see what is left and then can proceed with validation letters.
A newbie here myself, but what from what I've learned here... After studying the first three threads as per the first response and getting a copy of all your reports from all 3 CRAs, the first thing I'd do is get all of my old addresses removed from all three CRA's. Some of those older accounts (especially collection a/c's) may be associated with a former address. You may decide to dispute as "not mine" and you'll want to have your old addresses deleted first. The other thing I'd do first is have a plan of attack. Lay out what you are gonna do in steps. Another thing to do first is to set-up a file system to keep track of everything. You will want to document, document, document and have everything filed in an organized manner. You may want to set-up an excel spreadsheet to keep track of your disputes and the related dates, etc. You'll also want to go through all three reports highlighting all incorrect information along with inconsistent information between the three CRAs. Finding the inconsistent info between the three will help you to identify inaccurate info. Educate yourself....devise a plan....organize yourself...have old addresses deleted...then start off your plan with what suits your situation best.
The scores I have are a tri-merge. I have individual copies coming from each bureau. I did get excited and send debt validation letters to all collection agencies- Is it to late to send them to CRA'S? To take advantage of CHOD
What gave you the idea to send validation letters out when you really don't know what you are doing yet? I hope nothing comes back to bite you. Next time, before you jump into something, if you're not sure, ask first.
What state are you in? Are any of these debts installment accounts, or anything besides revolving credit lines? Do not send out C&D's until you know if the debts are past the SOL.
They are all collection accounts- Except for Cross Country Bank- that was a revolving account. I live in Washington State.
Would it be helpful to also state the reasoning behind such instruction? I could be mistaken, but I believe the learning process is greatly enhanced when a person understands the "why" behind what he/she is being instructed to do or not do. Why should one not send out a C&D letter to a CA until they determine whether the debt is past the statute of limitations? Thanks in advance. Lefty
Because lefty, if the SOL for enforcement has not expired, and you send a cease and desist, the next communication you receive will likely be a summons. Sassy
The chances of a summons increase with the size of the debt. I wouldn't worry about it for the small ones- not worth the cost of filing..? or Sassy, do you think the CA's would file even on the small debts, hoping for a default + their costs? My experience has been after the C&D arrives on small debts, it just goes to another CA and we start over again. Radi8
Thanks, Sassy. But on a $62 collection account? Wouldn't there be like a materiality threshhold that needs to be reached before you'd be served a summons? Once a CA receives a C&D that indicates that the debtor will communicate only with the OC, what legalities are the CA bound by? Thanks. Lefty