Although I agree for the most part, just disputing them off the reports does nothing as far as the debt itself is concerned. They can still come after you. Each situation is different and the procedure one uses needs to be thought out before proceeding. Mindcrime also has valid points.
I found this dispute letter on another site. Should I use this to CRA and at the same time send the validation letter to CA. Date: Regarding: Credit Bureau Street Address City, State, Zip Dear Reviewer: I recently received a copy of my credit file. This report lists the following items that are in error. These items are in error because of the reason listed. Please verify the following items and update my credit report to accurately reflect my actual credit worthiness. Upon reading the info included in the credit file packet I received from you, I expect you to conclude this process in the 30 days allowed under the FCRA. Thanks for your help in making my file reflect my true standing. Item- # Account Name Reason Of Dispute 1) 2) Reasons include: not mine, amounts incorrect, dates incorrect, status incorrect, outdated. 3) 4) In closing, please send me my free updated copy of my file as soon as you have completed the corrections. Respectfully,
leo, I may have missed something but I'm not sure what "the credit file packet I received from you" is referring to. DemPooches
I overlooked that part. I will be sure to delete it but is it the course I should be taking. I am overwhelmed with information and I am currentlly reading FCRA. Sorry if I am asking tooooo many questions I want to get this right the first time.
Oh wait, I think I get it. Your referring to a statement of your rights that came along with your credit report? The letter is simple and basic and should work just fine for disputing with the CRAs. DemPooches
One other thing. We had better luck with not disputing the same items with all 3 CRAs at the same time. You might want to see what others think, but in our case it seemed to attract more attention. Picking a couple of different accounts per CRA and then rotating after getting the results was more effective for us. Keep us posted on your results. DemPooches
Should i list more than one dispute per letter. I will be sure to let the world know if it is a success.
I limit mine to 2 per letter. The biggest thing is you don't want to look to the CRAs like someone trying to do credit repair. You just want to be an "average Joe" trying to fix some things that you found that are wrong. DemPooches
One other thing, DON'T dispute any positive tradeline with TU over something like a wrong amount or wrong date or whether or not the account is closed. 90% of the time the account is DELETED and you cannot get it back. DemPooches
leo, What milkmom posted above is correct, and also answers your question about how it is a violation of the FCRA and the FDCPA.