newbie Q about collection dates

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TESL, Oct 12, 2002.

  1. TESL

    TESL Member

    I've been reading for a few months and have learned a lot, so I hoped someone wold be willing to help with this small question. . .

    The one derog on my report is a paid utility collection from another state. DOLA is 7/98 and date assigned is 1/1999, and that is when it was paid (directly to the utility, I think). Last year, before I had a clue, I had the status updated to paid, so now the entry says 8/2001 for date reported and status date. I know there's only so much one can do with a paid collection, but here's my question. Are those reported and status dates making it appear that I paid the item two years after I did? Does it matter? Is there anything to dispute or any other way to make it go away?

    Thanks for all the information and your help.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Those dates are making it appear as if it was last year. You can either dispute it with the cra's as not mine, or, you can send a letter to the ca advising them that they are reporting incorrect dates. If this was mine, I would probably start with the cra first.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I agree with LKH. You should almost always start with the CRA's first. Charlie
  4. TESL

    TESL Member

    Thank you both.

    It's actually only showing on Equifax (through CSC). Any particular way I should word the letter/form (or should I only say "not mine?") since I asked them to update it to paid last year?
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You could try disputing as not mine, but since you basically admitted it was last year, it may not work. If it doesn't work disputing it that way, then I would dispute it as paid to original creditor - never went to collection.
  6. TESL

    TESL Member

    Makes sense. I do have the canceled check paid directly to the utility (though clearly late). Do you think sending a copy with the dispute would help, hurt, or do nothing at all?

    Thanks again.
  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I personally would dispute it as paid before collection, if that doesnt work I would try a goodwill letter stating that you were unaware that it went unpaid and you paid it immediatly after finding out...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I would FIRST try---->PAID/NEVER LATE

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