Transunion: 753 (doesn't have a record of 2 DEROGATORY accounts) Experian: 621 Equifax: 627 TransUnion Experian Equifax TOTAL ACCOUNTS: 4 11 9 OPEN ACCOUNTS: 2 3 4 CLOSED ACCOUNTS: 2 8 5 DELINQUENT: 0 0 0 DEROGATORY: 0 2 2 BALANCES: $0.00 $0.00 $299.00 PAYMENTS: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PUBLIC RECORDS: 0 0 0 INQUIRIES(2 years): 1 3 5 Info on 1st - PG&E Experian: Past due: $0 High Balance: $299 Reported: 05/31/2003 Account seriously past due date/account assigned to attorney, collection agency, or credit grantor's internal collection department. Type:Unknown - credit extension, review, or collection Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Condition: Paid Equifax: Past due: $299 High Balance:$299 Reported: 03/01/2003 Collection account Utility Type: Collection Pay Status: Late 120 Days Condition: Derogatory Info on 2nd - VERIZON WIRELESS Experian Past Due: $0 High Balance: $206 Reported: 04/02/2006 Unpaid balance reported as a loss by credit grantor. Condition: Derogatory Balance: $0 Type: Unknown - credit extension, review, or collection Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Equifax Past Due: $0 High Balance: $206 Reported: 04/01/2006 Charged off account Amount in high credit original charge-off amount Condition: Derogatory Balance: $0 Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Questions: 1. To bring my scores to 700+ should i concentrate on getting these removed or should I open a few credit accounts instead. Not sure how much the score is impacted based on these derogatory accounts. 2. To try to remove these accounts, I need to send vallidation letters, right? Which one is more suitable - The Nutcase rationale one, right? I called verizon and they said that account was eventually paid and I should call NCO Financial services (collection co) to ask for removal. But verizon is the one reporting the account as derogatory.
Nutcase is pretty dated and antiquated, if these aren't paid try to a payment for deletion approach or even try dealing with the OC. I know a guy who went to Iraq and paid the wrong amount on his bill and when he came back 1 1/2 years later he found out he owed 200 bucks and they took it off for him after many phone calls.
Pacific Gas and Electric can be deleted but, Verizon is nearly impossible. Still try though. You may have some luck insofar as they are paid. Look at the dates of status and account type for PG & E; particularly, on Experian and Equifax. Dates of major first delinquency and account history are two fields to target as well. As for opening a few accounts, that may or may not increase your scores. Generally, brand new accounts do not. However, it really depends on if you have any open accounts now, the utilization, and how long they've been open. If you don't have anything open right now, see if someone will add you as an authorized user. Works and it's legal. With that said, those accounts probably are hurting you a little. Try and remove them. However, I wouldn't suspect that they would keep you from a 700 if you approached the rest of your efforts in a correct posture.