Hi everyone.!!!I just need some advice on how to handle this: My husband purchased car on 3-2-95, Car was totaled in accident on 3-28-95. No payments were made on account after 4-95 yet credit report and collection agency say that there was activity on the acount in 6-96.They now want to sue for a balance on the loan.(the insurance check did not cover the full amount of loan).It has been over the 6 yrs they have to sue him.Can i make them furnish proof of payment in 96 and can i request to deal with the original creditor instead of them?
If the timeframe allowed by the statute of limitations has expired, that should be your main defense. All else is irrelevant.
the timeframe has expired,but they say i extended that by making a payment in 96.I didn't make this payment in 96,do they have to provide proof of that payment?
Do you happen to have your bank statements from 6-96 and your credit card statements from then? They will send you some cheesy printout with a 6/1/96 payment amt $xx. I would send a validation letter anyway and if you can get your bank statements I would. In yur validation letter ask HOW it was paid, check, CC, wire transfer etc. Ask for the account number if it was a check ask for CC# and approval #. Ask for the SUN!!
They have told me bluntly that they don't have to furnish proof and that they are going to garnish my husbands wages.(this lady is a real @#*%@#)I hate ford motor credit!!! anyways, she basically says i can't contact ford motor credit and that they do not have to verify anything!!! Getting real tired of this lady...... I have worked my butt off to clean up our credit after my hubbie was injured at work and this is one of 2 things left . We don't owe the money to them(long story) but they keep sending it off to a different agency who threatens to sue us and then never does.I fight with one agency and thats when they switch and i have to start from scratch.This bill has gone through 10 agencies and ford does not even have records anymore on it...... Sorry all,just vented a little........ Thank you..**smiles**
If you sent any type of validation letter to the first CA, they are to stop all collection activity, which means no OTHER CA is allowed to collect until the original CA validates! Who's reporting this?
I wrote the first Ca, not by cert. mail :-( and asked for a copy of my original contract and copies of all payments made on the account.I never recieved a thing.They pawned it off to the next CA....
who's reporting it? Ford motor credit and the latest CA. In the meantime others have reported it and then removed it.
I'm in the same boat, got the original creditor handing off a bogus account to one CA, I ask for validation, they send me a ltr saying it's on its way, then I get a new collection ltr from a new CA claiming I've never contacted in any way, shape or form anyone connected with this account, i.e the original creditor, the original CA, and I need to pay them for this made-up account. What a joke....