Newbie questions - need to do as much clean-up as quickly as possible (pls help)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mae-mae, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. mae-mae

    mae-mae Member

    Hi there,
    This is my first post here.

    Brief credit background:
    - bk due to dramatic life change / discharged 9/05
    - been working on re-building credit
    - want to purchase home this winter (Nov?)

    I am working to make the best out of my credit score that I can given the recent bk so that we can purchase a home. I would appreciate any feedback, experience, or advice you might have on some of the issues I found in the CRs I pulled tonight?

    1. Does incorrect demographics data (wrong DOB on one CRA) help you dispute anything? Does any of that stuff factor into your score?
    2. I was in deferrment with Sallie Mae during our trying bk times. At end of deferrment period, Sallie Mae starting billing right away and I sent them letter requesting reduced-payment adjustment. We had several round of them requesting more info and me resending. All the while, SM reporting me as late paying. We are now back on the same page and payments have been on-time. All recent reports are "OK" but those negs are still there from earlier this year. Do you think they'd remove them if I asked? What should I do? Would having these removed (since they are recent and not in bk) increase the credit score?
    3. How should a debt included in bk be reported in the CRA report? Should it read "CO"? Should the notes from when the payment was late be removed or does it matter to the score?
    4. CapitalOne - 2 accounts included in bk. Tranunion showed "OK", then nothing for months and then starting 2/06 shows 30 days late. This account is closed and should be reported correctly. Is this hurting the score? How should I get this corrected? This is BOTH accounts.
    5. BankofAmerica - reports correctly on Experian but shows as still open, delinquent and having a balance over $7800! How do I get this corrected? Is this showing as open and only 30days past due helping, hurting or indifferent.
    6. Honda - showing as open w/balance and 30days past. Same as above - how to correct?
    7. Finally - anyone know who DSRM NAT BNK is? It's not derogatory just showing open from '96 and I have no idea who it could be!

    SCORES as reported by TrueCredit:
    TransUnion 657
    Experian 660
    Equifax 671
    Thanks for any and all advice you can give me. I've been reading as much as I can but it's all so confusing.
  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    Yay - I can do quotes now..hehe.

    Hi mae, and no, it mae not...hahahaha

    Really though - NO, your date of birth's got nothin to do with your score. None of the personal stuff has anything to do with scores.

    About the dob - I wonder if anyone's ever tried to say 'from the date of birth here on my report, it shows I"m 20...but the date on that Amex card account shows it was opened when I was 9, so it can't be mines?

    I'd ask em to remove wouldn't hurt. If 1 says no - try somebody else. I've heard (and I agree), that ALL lates hurt, and it don't matter how old they are.

    I can't answer bk stuff, but I do know you want everybody on da same page with reporting. All of em should be reporting the same way.

    Can ya call the bureau and ask them? But me thinks it's Diamond Shamrock?...

    If ya wanna be sure - do a google :)
  3. mae-mae

    mae-mae Member

    Thanks for your input!!

    So, with SallieMae, when I ask them to remove the negs, should I do that by phone/letter/internet? What do you think works best?

  4. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    Proof for later, letter is better :)

    Really, I'd ask by letter, cause on the phone, they might forget, or da person ya talk to on the phone might can't help ya.

    You could use the internet to find the right address, or find the exact department to send it to though.

    Luck good 2 u!
  5. deadbear

    deadbear Member

    use a letter and if you can, get everything possible certified mail. it helps in speeding the processes up.

    As far as repair goes, i have no clue. the only thing anyone has ever told me to improve my credit is get a gas card. great advice. blah
  6. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry 2 laugh, but this is funny the way you say it :)

    A card does help, too, ya can read the old posts here, and work on yer credit that way too, and then you'll be the one havin the last laugh!

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