Hi everyone, I've pulled all 3 of my CR and now I'm ready to start disputing, but had a couple of questions/clarifications before I start. I've read most of the disputing info and will continue to do so so I apologize if this has been covered ad nauseum. First, a little background, I have between 8-15 derogs on each report (obviously some overlap). All are collection accounts, some CC, some medical which I legitimately do not owe as they should have been covered by insurance. All the derogs are between 2 and 5 years old and none are out of SOL yet. 1) Will my disputing bring the collectors out of the woodwork? I haven't been contacted for quite some time on most of the debts. 2) Any advice on the medical collections? I recieved them while playing basketball in college so I was obviously covered by the school's insurance in addition to being on my parent's policy. 3) There seems to be conflicting opinions on disputing via certified letter or via online, hoping to get clarification there... 4) Will using the example letters cause the CRA's to automatically dismiss my claim? I've heard that they recognize certain letters and that they automatically refute those disputes as frivilous. Thanks a lot - these forums are a godsend!
You might focus on the medical that should have been covered by insurance. Just because it should have been covered by insurance does not mean it was actually paid, or that any remaining amount due was billed to you, or that if you ignore it as not yours, you will not have your credit screwed. Your EOBs should indicate what was paid, and whether any amount was due.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does EOB stand for? If I only I could have gotten the insurance paperwork done properly at the time, I could have avoided this but I was 21 at the time and didn't follow through to make sure everything was done correctly and now I have these 3 collection accounts. Surely I can still get them off without having to pay, right? I mean, they were never my responsibility. I'm also very concerned with "waking up" my creditors. From what I've been reading tonight, it seems I should do the following (in this order) 1 - dispute with CA or OC (whichever is listed on my CRA) 2 - dispute with CRA approx. a week later 3 - wait for the 30 day window 4 - repeat as needed. Will this cause me potential problems in the future? I would hate to get sued...that would be the absolute worst thing. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I've been wanting to start on this for some time but I want to make sure I cover everything...I certainly don't want to end up in a worse situation for doing this!
EOB = Explanation of Benefits It is the statement your insurance sends you when a claim has been submitted, indicating what they are paying on the claim, and what remaining amount you might owe. If no claim was submitted, you wouldn't get an EOB, since your insurance company would have no way to know they had any obligation to pay on a claim. Did the claims get submitted? Did the medical provider submit them?
I honestly don't know, I assume that it didn't get submitted..should I contact the school (to find out about the insurance) before going to the CA or CRA?
It depends on how you "corrected" your debt as to how you would dispute. Here is a site that might help. http://www.allaboutcreditreports.com/CorrectYourCreditReports.cfm