Hi All !! Just wanted to introduce myself, and pre warn the group of my upcoming mission.lol I have 2 of 3 credit reports and am eager to get started on my mission of CR transformation. I apologize in advance for any temporary insanity I may display on the board, in this process...Ha Ha Ha J/K You all seem like a great bunch and I look forward to sharing ideas and experience with you. Caio for now, Ro
Welcome! I would suggest to read the top 3 posts, at least twice. That way the people that you said were nice aren't rude to you. There is a lot of info that doesn't need to be repeated on a daily basis for newbies. What are your 2 CRA scores. Again, Welcome! Charlie
Thanks !! I am reading the top posts as we speak......I will post my CR's like it advises so I can get as much direction as possible. The reports I have so far are TU 523 The Equifax one I didn't see a score on. Can you tell me where it might be?? And I haven't gotten the TRW one yet.
You have to pay for the Equifax FICO score - on their website for $12.95. TRW is now Experian - TRW sold them off a few years back. Their score is fake but we all get it anyway. Credit junkies, we are. Someone posted a link for their service - $49.95 a year - report, score and all. Unlimited, updates every 24 hours. TU score is fake, but you CAN buy the real one at their website. EFX is real score, but don't buy their service till you check out some of the others available. Their new terms are horrible.
EQ has a deal called Creditwatch, and EX has www.creditexpert.com. Both are free for 30 days. Charlie
Welcome to the board Blondenita. You have already gotten alot of good info. We will assist in any way that we reasonably can. We really don't mind too much repeat questions, it just that we bristle at the same poster posting the same question repetitively. We really are a fun group of nuts here. And there is a lot of expertise just waiting to be tapped. fla-tan
Welcome to our CN family!!!!! AS mentioned, please take time to read the FAQ's at the top of the board. Also, take time to use the search feature and make notes of specific incidents on the board that may be of interest to you. This board is THE BEST on the net with QUALITY people and great advice. UNLV34