This post is directed at Newbies (and I use the term lovingly) only. Please respond how many times each of you has read and reread the first three posts. 1) PsychDoc's Credit Repair Primer 2) Unofficial CreditNet Board FAQs 3) Creditnet glossary (for newbies) Did you take notes to try to get answers to the areas that you didn't understand? How many times did you use the search feature to try to get answers to the questions that you had? If you don't want to answer honestly to me, please at least try to answer honestly to yourselves. fla-tan
This post is directed at Newbies (and I use the term lovingly) only. >>>>> Hey! That's me! >>> Please respond how many times each of you has read and reread the first three posts. 1) PsychDoc's Credit Repair Primer 2) Unofficial CreditNet Board FAQs 3) Creditnet glossary (for newbies) >>>> I printed them out, and refer to them a lot. Probably read them end-to-end 5 times now. >> Did you take notes to try to get answers to the areas that you didn't understand? >>> no notes. >> How many times did you use the search feature to try to get answers to the questions that you had? >> I tried it, and still do. Problem is it doesn't work about 75% of the time. It either "hangs" or goes to a dns error page. Shame, because it could be more useful if it really worked. >> If you don't want to answer honestly to me, please at least try to answer honestly to yourselves. >> Nothing to hide here... Comments: As a "newbie" i like reassurance that others have travelled this road before me. Also, sometimes people have more recent experience with a certain situation than in the general FAQ's. I'd like their comments as well. Remember, credit repair is still new to us. We have thought that this stuff was "illegal" or not possible, or other..takes a while to get over the nervousness and get the hang of it. Hey! I'm not used to having rights! I really appreciate the answers I have gotten, all helpful in one way or another. Never felt belittled or made to feel stupid for being "new". Radi8
That is why, instead of simply posting the answers to the FAQ questions, I have tried posting links to the threads where the discussions can continue. Though I admit it is not done always, mostly on debatable subjects or areas where legal information changes constantly. That is why "printing" the FAQ is good to start, but you should refer to it "online" to follow some of the links it refers to, to get updated information. For instance, the "What cards can I get after BK" thread was added to earlier today. If you find specific areas I need to update, PLEASE post a reference in the FAQ proposal thread (at the bottom of the FAQ there is a link). I appreciate the comments though, it helps helps immensly. Especially, if you are new here!! (I am sick and tired of those darn oldies hehehehehehehe) Thanks. -Peace, Dave
Top 3 threads- at least every other week, if not more, and if something in particular is tickling my mind, I try to go there 1st. I have notes on my notes, not sure if they're making sense to me anymore, so I re-read to get in order. I try to search at least once a day, sometimes it works, sometimes not.
2 more questions for newbiew: How many times have you read the FCRA and FDCPA? Have you read the Staff Opinion letters on These are also very important reading materials! Got to love newbies, if it weren't for them, we would all be George! (love ya george~) and we wouldn't have anything to talk about!
I am about like radi8. I have read thru the Big 3 too many times to count, and re-read them when I have a particular question. Search - the function itself doesn't work very often for me. Secondly, I sometimes don't know enough about what I am searching for to get the proper keywords! But I do at least attempt it 2-3 times before asking. The Alphabets and Opinions - I have read them several times, but I don't have confidence sometimes in my interpretation of legalese, and tend to ask questions, to make sure I understand them.
I've read each through 3 times each, but never been able to get the search to work for me, but reading the many posts from the CN bunch can usually directs me somewhere I can get an answer I need. Thanks for being patient with us, and hopefully we'll all have better credit, thanks to the help and experiences of old and new CNetters! (Oh BTW, my printer is broken, I guess from too many CHODs, but I'm askin Santa for a new one)!!
SCMom Excellant addition to my questions. I don't know how I forgot to include them. Thank you for bringing them into the post. They are every bit as important if not more so. fla-tan
I have read the posts about two times now and have tried the search quite often (and it has worked ) I can remain a newbie for awhile longer because I can't do anything until my BK is discharged (Feb. 4, I believe) So I have time to keep reading. Missig
It is interesting that so far the only Newbies that have responded are those that have actually done their homework. I noticed that many more have read the post that posted to it and that is really quite normal. However, I did think that more people would respond. To those who havn't responded yet, whatever your answer is will not be an indictment of your efforts. Though I do believe that it will show to yourselves how much additional work you have to do in order to really put yourselves in a position to bring your credit to where you want it to be. Remember, credit rehabilitation is a journey and the more you are able to learn and teach yourselves about how to perform the work, the easier and smoother the process will be. If you are either unwilling or unable to do what is necessary in a legal and ethical fashion, then you may be better off using one of the "credit repair" firms that advertise all over the internet. fla-tan
I have read, re-read, and searched to all hours of the night. Right now, my family is in another state so I have nothing but time on my hands and I have been using it to better understand my credit and how to improve it. Serching and reading more threads than I care to count. And still knowing that what I have learned has barely scratched the surface. IMO for those looking for a quick fix...well, frankly there isn't one that is legal that I know of. As fla-tan said, credit rehab is a journey. And yes, there may be $$$ involved...CRRR, Credit Reports, CE and/or CW. I am dedicated to fixing mine and the money I spend now will be more than made up for with lower % rates in the future. Also important to know, that as with any type of business or education...It is not only important for newbies to read and re-read the "Top 3", but also veterans on the board should also continue to re-read the posts. Sometimes one can stray from the basics without even realizing it. There is and has been a wealth of information posted in the "Top 3" and by those on this board. I am very thankful to have found this site as it has helped me to understand the law and most importantly my rights as a consumer.
Sorry folks, Went to bed early last night and just now got on the computer. I have read and reread the "top 3" posts 2 or 3 times and like others I have refered back to them on numerous occasions. I have tried over and over to get the search feature to work to no avail. Im trying very hard to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can but I realize it takes time. My goal is to buy a 2003 Dodge 1500 Quad cab with the 5.7L HEMI(345 horse by the way). After that I want to be able to apply for a prime CC and get it. Im working as fast as I can. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Matthew
Yes, I have read the top 3 threads, the FCRA and the FDCPA, and the staff opinion letters. I have used the search function, as a matter of fact I have really sat around all day long trying to use it before posting a question. I have discovered that search only works for me if I use Internet Explorer and NOT AOL. Sorry I waited until today to reply, I had to go to bed last night when I wanted to post. I must add though that I started coming to this board in October 2000 (off and on since then). Though I still have A LOT to learn, I was a true newbie then, meaning that was when I asked ALL of the real newbie questions.
I've read the first 3 posts a couple of times but I haven't taken any notes. I know they're there for me to go back to when necessary. What works for me is the search feature. I narrow my searches down to the "Credit Talk forum" and use about 1-3 keywords. I also try variations in quotation marks, e.g. "goodwill letter", "good will letter". If I find someone in a situation similar to mine I'll click on their name and "search for all posts by that user". One time I thought the search wasn't working but the only problem was my impatience as it can take up to 5 minutes(maybe more) for results. I basically stopped asking questions about my credit repair when several people advised me to read. I'm glad I listened as I found out that NY has it's own FCRA. Paid collections/chargeoffs are supposed to fall off after 5 years instead of 7 like the other states. I've become very patient re:my credit repair. At first I jumped in with both feet but now I'm just reading, waiting and trying to prepare my next move. I'll also anwer questions I have knowledge about. I'm sooo addicted to this site. The people are great and the information is unparalleled. I've recommended CNet to 4 people already and instructed them to read the first 3 posts before asking any questions!
You know, I started this whole thing when I went to the book store and picked up a copy of "Nolo's Credit Repair" book. I wanted a house and my ex, a troll, btw, had thought it nice to have his new wife use my SS# for pretty presents-yes, even her engagement ring. The book even had a disk. I read that book from front to back and back to front (not an easy feat) and began exercising my rights. I still have the book, the front is worn, and the pages have coffee stains from late nights reading it over. Then, I began searching the internet for more information. I printed tons and tons of documents and occasiionally purchased books that gave me new ideas and thoughts regarding my rights. When I got my first deletion, I really dived into the entire process. I was lucky enough to stumble on this board. There was no primer, nothing like that. The work that went into those posts at the top of this board was incredible and done for no reason but simply to help others. No, you are not alone....and I still search and I still print out tons of stuff and have developed my own little areas of specialization (cc after BK and using the state laws, etc. to get assistance with illegal CA entries). I have a whole file cabinet of information and that book that I'll admit I still use on occasion. It's like a treasure hunt trying to find the diamond in the rough to move forward on this journey. I think it's important to note that it is likely that I'll never stop rereading the 3 posts here. It seems like everytime I do, I find some little golden nugget to add to my bag of resources. As for the search button, I've experienced searching for something and finding pages and pages of posts to go through. I've gotten better at my searches but it still happens. Fla-tan, sorry for crashing this thread....
Member5 You are doing fine. I would suggest though that you go back and reread the first three posts with a notepad and take notes and write down questions. Then utilizing the search feature see if you are able to obtain the answers. If not, then post questions and I am sure that the vets will be more than happy to answer you. Also, I would strongly recommend that you read and reread both the FCRA and the FDCPA as you will find additional great information in those laws. Also since you are in NY as you found, read the NY FCRA. That is actually an excellant idea for everyone. Check to see what state specific laws there are for you to use. fla-tan
And, get a folder or something and keep it along with all your documentations you should be gathering (green cards, dispute letters, etc.) It was just last month that I had to send in the letter I received from a CA requesting removal of a collection when it was reinserted on hubby's CR 2 years later. Thank heavens I kept everything!
Am I a newbie? define it please... I read the primer maybe twice was here before it... I read the faq thread a few times only browsed the faq once... again was here before it... I have read the glossary post alot it was around when i started reading this board... I have read the fcra, fdcpa, and opinion letters several times but not recently as I dont really have anything left to fix just messing with my wifes report now... I would like point out that the search function is the best tool on this board... doh except for the posters of course
btw Thanks to all the newbies who post on the board without you guys I really wouldnt have anything to read at work.. ok last post for me need some sleep... I see newbie miss used on this board often... It does not refer to your post counts it refers to you being new to a subject... nothing more nothing less... dont take it personal if someone calls you oneP