HOLY COW! 27 pages? to a single page? CONGRATS on the results of your hard work THAT is inspiring. I wish you lots of luck in getting your last neg off
It's my stupid BK13...off of one (so I'm almost there)....but its 7 years upcoming july...so I'm kinda waiting to see (its dismissed, not discharged). I think I'll only have to focus on EQ after that time. All ideas and advice welcome!
The cra's usually will delete negatives about 3 to 4 months prior to the actual purge date. My suggestion is to wait until sometime in March(it's only 3 months away) and dispute it as obsolete. At that time, they probably won't even bother with it and just delete it.
LKH, I would recommend going with either Junum or one of those companies that clean your credit.. i heard that they do a good job. J/K - people reading this might actually take this advice seriously.. LOL .. BTW, DON'T GO w/ JUNUM cuz they are known to occasionally DELETE POSITIVE TRADELINES.. actually, I checked out junum.com and they aren't even there anymore.. lol
It probably shouldn't Nana. If I remember correctly, dismissed is viewed exactly the same way a discharge is for a chap13. fla-tan
From TU's own faq's: How long do public records remain on my credit report? In general, civil judgments remain on your credit report for seven years from the date filed. Tax liens remain on file for seven years from the date paid. If the tax lien is not paid, it will remain on the file indefinitely. Chapter 13 bankruptcies that have been dismissed or discharged remain on file for seven years. All other bankruptcies remain on file for ten years.
Thanks, LKH, I think I will really only have to worry about Equifax...This shows TU's policy...hubby has it showing on EXP with due to be removed as 2003.(mine is gone) and EQ...well, that's the catch,eh?
ok, i'll dare it - i know you'll beat me up over this, but you asked ;-) i came across creditinfocenter middle of october. read everything and mailed my debt validation letters on 10-17. a week or 2 later i came across this site. read a little of the first 3 posts (yes, yes, i know), didn't take any notes. got answers from 3 of my 7 validation requests, giving me details of my tradelines. sent the nutcase letter off to 2 (both of them have now been deleted from my reports), and the others on 11-17 and followed up with '10 days to delete or i'll sue' letter last week. have all of them on violations and i will sue in a heartbeat. have also spoken last week with cap 1, who has agreed to delete a 30-day late out of goodwill. have also found a little overlooked detail on my judgement yesterday: my reports list 3991 as satisfied judgement, yet, the actual judgement was for 4561 (incldg atty fees), so, that gives me reason to question that again and maybe they won't respond. so, i think i have it under controll. i won't ask questions, so noone has to jump on me for not reading the first 3 threads. i read most of the posts here and learn a ton.
Hey folks, let's all understand this... No one should jump on anyone else for asking a legitimate question! PERIOD. Come on folks there are a lot of people out there who need help just as you did when you first came here. Be a little courteous!!! And if you must feel FRUSTRATED (like my 5 year old nephew does from time to time) because you are reading the same stuff over and over again, just DONT RESPOND TO THE QUESTION and leave the computer screen for a while. Come back when you are feeling better. After all, the FAQ was created to HELP us to point out the frequently asked information, as I am sure the glossary and the Primer were created for. Let's use them in the spirit they were intended. It is the season for giving happiness and joy now. -Peace, Dave
varinia The purpose of this thread was not to bash newbies. There is no one and only way to credit nirvana. What I was hoping was that newbies would respond, both those that have done their homework and those that have not. The reason that the first three posts on there is because over time, the information gathered there has proven to be invaluable to many. Some have used the information and been successful in their efforts. Some have not and they have been successful in their efforts. However, more people have found that the infomation contained within them has proven to be of great value and has simplified their quest. After having responded, hopefully people will take the time to read the responses and decide for themselves the route that they wish to take. The only caveat I would mention though, is if a newbie wishes to post and a vet suggests that you read the first three posts because it seems that you haven't, don't take it as bashing automatically. I would say that the best way to achieve any result, whether it be credit repair or anything else, is to take advantage of the tools that are available to you. And on this site and others that members have recommended, there are invaluable resources. Good luck to all who have undertaken the journey and started on their own personal quest for credit nirvana. fla-tan
updates Hey, NanaC Hello, again... I remember now that we are related as those with a summer to look forward to: my discharged 13BK will be seven years old in June of '03. My, time's fun when you're having flies, right? I am really looking forward to its deletion this spring. That deletion and the falloff of the four or five BK associated accounts will clear all but 1) the "Library Felon " collection account, 2)_a paid chargeoff to Mobil that was before I found the board, 3) and a negative on my mortgage from 14 months ago that's on EQ and TU. And I AM *** still working on that dad gum Library collection account, believe it or not. Cap1 and Providian have been flooding my mailbox with offers since the first of November, wonder if there's some relationship with the coming deletion of the BK and the offers? I haven't taken them up on anything because the rate is 14.9 with a monthly fee and an unknown limit. Maybe when I get on down the road a few months more, the offers will get a little better. To Breeze, still love GEICO, am now into the second six months. great customer service ! Enjoying the "fun" and the gas mileage of the Toyota Matrix, though I am wishing now that I had ponied up for the automatic windows that were part of the deluxe package. I didn't realize how many times a day I roll down my driver's side window. But at least that's one less thing to break years down the road.
Re: updates Nana - Just FYI, and this is not from experience, but from what I've repeatedly read over the last 9 months: The CRAs are legally obligated to remove all BK notations 10 years after filing. The CRAs have mutually agreed to remove all DISCHARGED BK 13s 7 years after filing. They are not legally required to do so. Apparently: TU removes all BK 13s 7 years after filing, probably because they can't tell the difference and don't want to get into trouble with the CRA oversight group. The other two do not as a rule delete DISMISSED BK 13s at the 7 year mark. You'll probably have to beat on them. Good luck, though.
Re: updates I've read the first three threads multiple times...and I've spent hours reading threads after doing a search multiple times. I will say that it can be difficult wading through all the threads retrieved by doing a keyword search....I've spent hours reading posts from searches...I wish it was less cumbersome.
Hey folks, let's all understand this... No one should jump on anyone else for asking a legitimate question! PERIOD. Nave ===============Right: A lot of statements and questions by first timers seam so naive like how could any one not know this or how could they think that. It's so easy to forget that once you were like that also. ============ A new persons naivety is a reflection of the sadness of how corporate America makes victims out of their customers and is proof of their total disregard for people and a testimony of their arrogance towards consumers. =============== May I suggest we show a high degree of tolerance caring and tact for newbies as they are an invaluable resource towards the battlle(s) at hand. Reaching and informing the untold is key to the cause. You don't do this by intimadating,critizing or belittling or other wise turning them off and driving them away. =============================== When new folks come on board give them some time and several post before forming an opinion. Remember the old saying ***Haste Makes Waste. LB 59
Dave, I agree with you 100%. While it's beneficial to a newcomer to research the board and gain a sense of understanding before tackling credit repair, I believe it's discouraging for newcomers to see newbie posters being turned away and/or not offered advice and told to "READ THE FIRST 3 THREADS; DO A SEARCH". Yes, reading and researching is 95% of learning how to repair your credit, but the other 5% comes from the help of others. And if you're not in a particularly giving mood, don't reply to the post. -LB
ps. It's becoming very obvious that newbies are afraid to even post a question because they have a fear of being "jumped on". If questions aren't asked, how will we, the CreditNet community, grow and learn new things and/or ideas?? -LB