From Breeze: < . . .but when you were asking about obtaining credit scores and monitoring services, you were asking questions that have been definitively answered in the FAQ threads.> This has been duly noted over and over again. No one (to my knowledge) ever disputed this. <It was reasonable to tell you to look there (FAQ) because if you missed that information, there is no telling what else you might have missed> Agreed. <I have read all your posts and all the replies, and I do not see where you were treated badly.> This is where we differ then, Breeze. I was called out with a smart-a** remark, and I rebuttled. Maybe it was wrong, but those are the facts. Also, don't worry about not seeing where this happened. It's understandable that someone can miss pieces of information in threads. ;-) Fla-tan: <However, when a person repetitively asks questions that have been answered (probably better) in the FAQs, then they shouldnot be surprised when they are directed to those same FAQs, and on a regular basis.> Once again, no one was surprised or offended that they were referenced to these documents. It's the WAY people have been referenced to these documents that I personally feel is wrong. Surely you see the difference, don't you? <The attitude that I have caught from some of the recent new members (ie newbies) is that we who have been here owe it to the newbie to answer their questions immediately and in the way that they desire us to.> Fla-tan, I haven't seen anyone on this list feel they were "owed" an answer. I think what's happened is that they simply feel they were not owed sarcastic remarks. Look at it this way: In your office, you go to another department and ask an individual for information that you are not privvy to. For example, I work in software development product management. If I go to someone (whom I've never met) in Sales and ask a question pertinent to a customer's requirement, and the person answers with something such as "Geez!! What's wrong with you?? Here's an idea: why don't you go and reference . . ." I would obviously not be kosher with that. Just like it's not right in "real" life, I think the same rules should apply to the miracle of the Internet. Just my opinion. <BTW I have ganged-up when I felt that the occasion warrented it. You can ask those that it occurred to. I can get down in the trenches with the best/worst of them. That probably means that you don't want to get on my bad side...LOL> Well, I had never had a problem with you, and your remark to me in another post (while directly unsolicited) was understandable to a degree. To me it's different than attacking someone for no reason . . . (you KNOW where I stand on all that). ;-) To that end. I would hope we all can agree that if one of we "newbies" ask a question that's in the FAQ, the proper response is to politely reference them to the FAQ. Notice the keyword here: politely.
"Web Site Not Responding The web site you have requested may be experiencing technical difficulties due to a busy or broken server. Please try again by clicking the Reload icon on your navigation bar or, if that doesn't work, you may want to return to the site at a later time. Here's the message I've been getting for weeks now... ************************************************************ How can a new be do a search when all they get is this?????? *************************************************************** LB 59
I'm still a newbie but have and continue to learn more every time...hence my username. I've read top three threads over and over and over. I particularly love Doc's Litigious Mindset!!! I joined just as he turned off his email...what I wouldn't give to get a few pearls from him regarding his experiences getting lates removed. I think I've got the jist from reading past threads but he's such a character, there seems to be so much wisdom and most importantly, humor in his responses. I always love reading Sassy's responses too. It amazes me how fast she can "search and post". I've been known to have several windows open at the same time cutting and pasting into Word etc. but she flies like the speed of light and always seems to be right on the $$. I've got a whole "favorites" folder of favorite CreditNet threads. Also have so many Word docs of letter examples, my letters etc...I need to further organize them. That's where my downfall is. I get excited about the prospects of finding a solution to my problem that I have been known to jump in and post a question out of pure excitement of the possibility of not having to wait 7 years for my credit to be spotless again!! I think a lot of newbies like myself probably get excited and jump in and start posting. That's why reading the top 3 over and over is so important. You have to remember that the whole process takes time. "SLOW DOWN" has been my motto to myself. It took me about 2 years to thoroughly muck up my credit, and it's gonna take more than a month to "unmuck" it. I'm definitely a CreditNet junkie though. DH makes fun of me cause I'll tell him a little pearl of wisdom I learned from a particular "thread". He laughs when I talk "threads". He doesn't laugh quite as much though as slowly but surely things are disappearing...