news - TU's early warning system

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by breeze, Jan 27, 2002.

  1. CYA

    CYA Well-Known Member

    Check out the appeals decision on Cushman v. TUC on You may relate to it with you situation.

    Sorry, I lost the link.
  2. CYA

    CYA Well-Known Member

    A quote from this case cite:

    "Congress's intent that consumer reporting agencies, having

    the opportunity to reap profits through the collection and

    dissemination of credit information, bear "grave

    responsibilities," 15 U.S.C. § 1681(a)(4), to ensure the

    accuracy of that information. The "grave responsibilit[y]"

    imposed by § 1681i(a) must consist of something more than

    merely parroting information received from other sources.

    Therefore, a "reinvestigation" that merely shifts the burden

    back to the consumer and the credit grantor cannot fulfill

    the obligations contemplated by the statute."

    Further, pursuent FCRA, CRA must consider your proof/information.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I was talking to bailey.


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