Next step after Debt Validation?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LILO, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. LILO

    LILO New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the board and to credit repair. I've been reading so much that I'll be see this stuff in my sleep.

    I recently pulled my Transunion report and Asset Acceptance has a tradeline listed in the adverse accounts section that says:
    Date placed for collection: 03/2004
    Date updated: 03/2005
    Estimated date that this item will be removed: 01/2006
    Account type: Open Account
    Remarks: Placed for collection

    DisoverCard also has a tradeline about the same account:
    Date Opened: 06/1996
    Date Closed: 06/1998
    Charged off as Bad Debt
    Date Paid: 08/1999
    Balance: $0
    Account Type: Revolving Account
    Estimated date that this item will be removed: 05/2005

    I sent a debt validation letter to Asset Acceptance. I received back a generic verification sheet with the balance, interest and account number and date of last activity as 08/02/99. It does not bear my original contract signature or any account transactions, even though I asked for a complete account audit.

    What recourse do I have to remove this item from my credit report and what should my next steps be?

    Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Discover is scheduled to fall off next month so i would leave it.

    Can you wait for the Asset one to fall off next year?

    The reason i ask is sometimes when we dispute things they come back worse than when we started.
  3. LILO

    LILO New Member

    Actually, I need the asset one to come off more than the Discover.
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    you could certainly do a "not mine" dispute, but be prepared that it could come back not only verified, but with a date of last activity changed to current. it sometimes happens. usually it only takes a few disputes to correct/delete but i just want you to be prepared.

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