Nextcard Plus for damaged(pbm)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim S., Mar 5, 2001.

  1. Jim S.

    Jim S. Guest

    I saw on the initial page here, that the Nextcard Plus card was for damaged credit. Is that true? I thought the Nextcard Plus was for good or excellent credit.
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: Nextcard Plus for damaged(

    I got a aria,2 cap 1's, and a citibank platinum, and they denied me about a week ago for damaged credit. YMMV.
  3. Sally

    Sally Guest

    Re: Me to

    I have Capital One, Aria, Provdian, and no (bad) credit what so ever and they denied me. It is hard to get the Nextcard even the plus.......Sally
  4. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    Re: Me to

    I have the same cards as you Sally. Except I have one charge off on all 3 reports. I was recently denied.
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: to: pbm

    perhaps pbm should reconsider this card for the subprimes.
  6. Eboni

    Eboni Guest

    Re: Me to

    I got a nextcard in Oct. At the time I had spiegel over 1 year 5K plus limit, never late, Visa from a small bank 1500 limit, 2 years never late. A car repo that was 10 months old.

    I got a card and a co-worker of mine got a hard with no problems. he also had damaged credit.

    I'm not sure what the approval process is and what they look for but, it is possible.

    I really don't like the card and I'm going to close it this week probably.
  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Me to

    dang eboni. I was denied also if you remember. I thought you loved Nextcard. And you are closing. It is a ugly card anyway. LOL

  8. Eboni

    Eboni Guest

    Re: Me to

    The card I have is cute because it has my sons picture on it.

    Since I am in their Sub-Prime product the APR is 23% which sucks. They take 2 days to post payments made online when they have already recieved the money. I like aria they receive and post it the same day. Plus the limit is 300. It's not worth my time.

    I have 16.9 with Aria and 9.9 on my other Visa. I have my AMEX Optima, but I don't care a balance on that. Those cards are enough for me.
  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Me to

    $300, that is pitiful. I sounds like aria is better for you. I am stuck with the providian classic, ugly blue card. I wish they would give me an gold offer soon.


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