No Chase for me :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AnnMarie, Mar 16, 2001.

  1. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    and it went thru twice online so I have two inquiries for nothing! I should have stopped while I was ahead! They cited a collection from '95 and the settled CC from 99 that I was an AU on. She also said that if I was an AU it shouldn't be on there (well thanks!) I just got so exctied at the thought of lower interest! Such is life.
    I am still so happy with a Gold/platinum card from Citi :)
    I wonder if I can get a great intro?
  2. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member


    Start slow....don't move too fast, get rid of CapOne and work with Citi and you should do just fine. Chase has very strict criteria they follow before issuing a card. I know there is kind of a "high" involved after the first couple of approvals, but don't move too quickly. Make sure your budget allows for atleast the min. payment on these cards. I would hold off for six months now before i apply again. Just some advice from someone who cares.

  3. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sean.....I really need to work on my CRs for a while and 6 mos before getting in any deeper sounds great to me.
    I'll be enjoying my new card until then.
    Thanks again!
  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    That's interesting because Chase only acepts 1 application every 60 days. Are you sure you have 2 inquires on your report. They usually trash all 2nd applications. Believe me I know.

  5. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Ann Marie,
    I don't like Chase Bank and they treat their customers like balance transfer, payment posting and some other things over the web. You got Citibank and why you would want Chase for? I think Citibank got the best customer service and auto-pay. They got very good card program.

  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I got both and I am happy with both. Chase had a better intro rate. 3.99% for six months. I also bank at chase manhattan.

  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Well, it is just me and I like Citibank better in my opinion.I didn't have any bank accounts with Chase. Well, I think Bank Of America credit cards give 9.9% fixed as long as your account is in good standing.
  8. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    B of A would surely deny me. That I am sure.

  9. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    I just wanted a credit card for some balance transfers.....I don't care if I can charge another dime after I transfer, I just want to transfer out of my high interest balances. Any suggestions? I'm paying off as much as I can each month and I've already called them about it---
  10. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member


    Earlier I stated that I thought you should hold off for six months..I guess my question to you is: 1) what type of cards do u presently have and what are the balances....If Chase turned you down forget about MBNA,Associates, BofA, and other prime lenders. My feeling is stick with the Citi, and if you can't resist try Nextcard(, they like balance transfers. But don't go overboard, you will end up getting yourself in trouble. Good luck!!

  11. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    Card Profile

    Hi again
    I have the following in the V/MC genre:
    Citi Classic 4200cl/2200bal
    Cap1 KMart 200cl/90bal
    Cap1 Gold (just upgraded last week) 600?cl/100bal
    I am an AU on:
    Citi Classic 3000cl/1450 bal

    So, I guess I'm looking for about a $4000.00 card to transfer to with a good interest rate. I'll stick it out if I have to but it sure would be nice not to have to, ya know?
    Thanks for the advise and what do you think now?
  12. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile


    Try Nextcard...I would get rid of both CapOne and Kmart, They have a fixed 9.9% or a 2.9% intro...that would leave you with two prime and hopefully nextcard...Good luck AnnMarie, let me know if Mextcard approves..ok?

  13. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile

    Sean (aka My Personal Credit Card Guru)
    I must have gotten the Citi card due to my history with their company--Nextcard approved me but only as an almost secured card, with a high fee attached. But is having Next card that much better than the Cap1s? If I have a better future with Nextcard, I'm willing to pay the price now of the big annual fee, reverse secured agreement and the "set-up" fee if it will benefit me that much in the future.
    What do you think?
  14. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile


    I would forget Nextcard....I guess there entering the subprime world....You shouldn't have to pay to carry a card....I would focus on paying off CapOne and Kmart, and just stick with the Citi...You can't go wrong with Citi....another option would be to try to get a card with your own bank sometimes they will give you the benefit of the doubt if your a good customer. Let me know, and sorry Nextcard didn't work out.

  15. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile

    I don't know whether BofA is tough to grant credit or not. They give me 9.9 fixed APR on both MasterCard and Visa. By the way, BofA offer instant approval on their web sites. The credit limit and the APR depends on your income and your credit history.
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile

    I agree with you Sean. I stick with Citi and they are the best I deal with. In myopinion, I don't like Chase and I don't have any Chase credit card account.
  17. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    Re: Card Profile

    Okay, thanks everyone for giving me some guidance. Perhaps this first round of disputes will result in something substantial :)

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