i have had only credit account and it was not a card, it was just the financing of a product. otherwise i have no credit. how come only equifax has a file on my SS# and trans/exper have no record of me? i applied for a loan and they told me they could not verify my ss#??
Simple: When you applied for that credit account, they pulled your credit from only Equifax. That triggered your file in the Equifax system. When the CRA's get a request for info on someone and they don't have anything yet, they then create a file with that inquiry.
Not all bureau's draw from the same information. The easiest way to establish a credit profile is to get a secured Mastercard or Visa. With as little as $100, you can get your profile established. Thay report to all 3 bureau's. there is a company in washington, DC that specializes in credit card info. They helped me get started. Their number is 888-346 6371, for free info. Happy Holidays!