I - Mark LA - solemnly do SWEAR that I will REFRAIN from applying for any more credit cards at least for SIX months - until December 10, 2002. All those who post their name beneath this post JOIN this SACRED OATH! C'mon board members - BE BRAVE. We HAVE each other for strength! The first TEN members who join will receive the Mark LA "WELCOME KIT" in the mail - which includes the following items: A BIG BAR of HERSHEY'S Chocolate A pack of MARLBORO REDS An alcoholic beverage (small, airline bottle size) (Hey - I DIDN'T SAY WE HAVE TO GIVE UP ALL OUR VICES!)
As per George's Special Request - your WELCOME KIT will include; A FREE 2 liter bottle of Pepsi (please specify - diet or regular) A FAMILY size bag of LAYS potato chips
wolverine As long as the credit increase DOES NOT require a HARD INQUIRY on any of the cra's - you will be approved and will receive our FREE WELCOME KIT! please specify - smoker or non-smoker and type of alcoholic beverage.
I tried doing this last year, but I ended up doubling the number of cards. It's hard to refrain from applying for anything because new cards with better benefits keep coming out. Anyway, I think I'm done applying for a while now so I'm game! I don't drink or smoke either so I'll take welcome kit # 2. Do I get a bonus for getting rid of some cards ?
OK I'm in. Wait, what about a mortgage refi? Would that be ok if I don't take any cash out? Almost former smoker, non-drinker. Diet coke by the case is my current poison.
ok currently on the list: â?¢ wolverine (almost former smoker - yeah - that's me too - cough) â?¢ steve (sorry - steve - no addt bonuses for getting rid of cards - but it's a good idea â?¢ george Welcome kits will be sent out in approx 30 days. Please email me your addresses (held in the strictest confidence of course SEVEN more board members are ELIGIBLE to receive a FREE WELCOME KIT!!! Please see orig post above.
Mark LA I have been on the wagon since 11/18/2001; I had to apply for wireless service for work related calls in May 2002 but other then that I have been clean for 203 days. Not even C/L increases. I really could use that big Hersheyâ??s chocolate, a Margarita but I donâ??t smoke so double the chocolate bar. My goal 11/18/2002 get that far without applying then going till 11/18/2003.
OATH UPDATE IT's been 8 days and 4 hours since my original OATH posting. These have been the toughest 8 days of my life! (okay - i exaggerate - humor me) i've decided to list the recent TEMPTATIONS as a theraputic way to get over them: June 11: Providian sends an "by invitation only offer" 0% for 9 months, 9.75% fixed ongoing. nice terms but - HELLO - it's Providian. June 13: GM Household; in the mail 0% 6 months. forget what the ongoing was - threw it away - we don't do HOUSEHOLD in my household. June 14: Capital One: Platinum in the mail: 0% 6 months. 14.9 onfoing- $49 annual fee - like - I DONT THINK SO! June 17; Checked First Tennessee Bank web site - tempted by Doc's $38, 000 cl - and the fact that they check Equifax - where i have the least inquiries. they offer 3.9% first 6 months and i think 11.9 ongoing. I HAVE SUCESSFULLY RESISTED ALL OF THESE! I'm da man!!! 172 MORE DAYS! (sigh)
Re: OATH UPDATE Ok I'm in!!! I would Like from them welcome kit choice: 1. Pack of Marlboro Lights 2. A Gallon of Crystal Light (gave up soda 33 days ago, used to drink 3, 2 liter bottles of D.soda a DAY) 3. an a llama