No Permissible Purpose

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by amaineman, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member

    I had a citigo card that dropped off all my reports in 2000. In early 2002 it was reinserted with all 3 report agencies at Citibanks request when they took over Associates National bank.

    Accont was a $300 credit card written off in a bankruptcy in Oct. 1998. I don't believe it should have been reinserted.
    It was dropped when Citigo did not respond to a dispute.

    Between 3/2002 - 01/2003 Associates National bank a Citigroup company did 9 account reviews with TU - soft pulls.

    The first one was done when I disputed the reinsertion. I believe there were 3 with equifax.

    Question: What is the statue of limitations, the time frame I have to pursue this?

    I thought it was 2 years.

    I became aware of this in November of 2003

    If I sue will I receive $1,000 per incident?

    any help appreciated.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If the account was charged off, and not paid or settled, they may still have PP, whether it dropped off after 7 years or not. Why did it drop off, and when did it originally go delinquent?
  4. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member

    I do not believe permissible purpose still exists, the minute a chapter 7 is finalized and the debt is legally discharged my relationship with them ended.

    A former creditor should not be allowed to use a soft pull as a means of verifying an account dispute.

    They are suppose to use their records not my toasted credit report to verify the dispute

    I may try following up with a lawyer friend.


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