"NO STATUS" Entries

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by uniondiva, Mar 6, 2003.

  1. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I have searched threads for this but no real answer/stratgey.

    I have a collection account for $74 that has been listed as "no status" since 2001 when i started repair. It does list the "in dispute" notation. I have redisputed the account several times and the CRA claims to verify.

    Is there a CRA strategy on this...... Should i ask for specific procedures used to verify this alleged account and the explanation of the no status entry?

    Is the "no status" entry considered "incomplete or inaccurate" reporting and thus giving me a violation.

    The CA has been able to validate this account!
  2. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    From what I understand this account would not be counted in any scoring. Pop has one that was validated by the CRA (not CA) and then a few days later put into NO STATUS and bumping his score 35 points. I guess we would rather leave it alone that get it back on as a neg TL.

    Not much help really, sorry! :)
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I know they say that... but Christine at Bayhouse says "everything counts" according to FAIR ISAAC.

    Besides, a creditor still sees the account as a "potential negative" I believe anything that is not positive has to negative..... besides it has been almost TWO YEARS! that has to give me some leverage for deletion either with CRA or CA! (maybe both)
  4. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    I have one that I'm getting ready to fire off a nasty letter to the CA... I received the initial letter fromt them, I sent validation before the 30 day time frame. 2 days after that time they reported the debt and listed it "No Status".. Shortly after about 1.6months to be exact they sent bogus validation.... My thing, wouldn't it be considered "Continued Collections by placing the "No Status" before validating???
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  6. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Just curious - since they validated, and its <$100, have you thought about trying to pay for deletion?
  7. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Yes, They refused my settlement offer for deletion (full payment) Since I am buying a house, I really want deletion! I may end up paying anyway.... but I am look for strategies on how to deal with this to get deletion....

    bTW.... I will pay it....but I do want deletions!
  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Has it been a long time since you offered the settlement? If it has "aged" on their books for some time, they might rethink it? What about the SOL for your state, has it passed that? That might be a motivator as well?

    Just throwing out thoughts.

    BTW who is the CA?
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    The CA is IC systems.... it is for a dr. bill. I sent Dr. the WHYCHAT HIPAA letter and he hasn't signed for it yet (with full payment)
  10. smontoya5

    smontoya5 Well-Known Member

    I have an IC Systems listing on my reports, as well. They are the most stubborn jerks in the world. This is for a $178 doctor's bill from 1999.

    Why pay it if they won't remove it?
  11. kelcol

    kelcol Well-Known Member

    I have one as well...it was on Exp and TU. Exp deleted it last month and I am now in dispute w/ TU over it. Should be interesting! It's my last neg on TU. BTW its a dentist's bill from 10/1996 for $196
  12. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    My deal is IC Systems also...
  13. slstafford

    slstafford Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem. Also with IC SYSTEMS and I offered settlement. Still no word, that was last friday. Problem is I do not believe we owe this but to get it off report I offered settlement. It was a Verizon local service account. This one makes me so mad because Verizon was charging me for a service we couldn't even receive where we live. DSL lines are not available here yet.
  14. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    uniondiva - if it's a CA, I would DEF. get rid of it.. dispute the normal way, ask for procedures, sue. That's the route I would take..
  15. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    I have a no status account. It may or may not be affecting my score on tu, BUT the description says ch 7 bk filed (even though I havent) and this is what creditors see. This is why I have been denied stuff when my tu is pulled, according to the reject letters. So, it DOES matter, even if it may not affect score.
  16. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I have disputed it, but you are right..... I should ask for procedures and sue CRA to get it removed!

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