George, you may remember my "attempt" a couple weeks ago. I say attempt because when I did it, the website would not take my request...down for maintenence (or the like). Then, I decided the next morning to try again...when it came time to hit "submit" I went back one last time to EXP Credit Watch to "evaluate" my chances of success. I estimated that it may go through, but I did not yet want to take the chance because I had some "baddies" on there even though my score was about 640. My thought was...put the baddies in dispute and then try the BDD. Well........I put the "baddies" in dispute and unlike in the past, my CW FICO did not change. That freaked me out a little and I decided then to wait until the outcome of the dispute on the "baddies". To make a short story long: The baddies are almost gone, but I decided to try the BDD anyway....(jumping forward) After I hit submit on the Citi site, I get the old, lame..."Your file needs further processing"...More than likely effectively putting me out of the running as a good BDD candidate. Wouldn't you agree? Any advice on the "needs further processing" message? I heard it's more than likely a "no"...
well i applied a month ago for both. Approved for both, but declined due to "You have the maximum allowable credit line from citibank". csr said "We can move your current line to the new card, thats all". So i assume it still works, you will still get approved.. however they have put a cap on my credit line, no increases , no new cards forever.
I did NOT go for gold after getting the "we'll get back to you message." If I knew that I was approved for silver, I would apply for gold. Anyone else have an experience like this? Did you get approved? Should I call them?
If you care about your airline miles earned on a card this might not be a good idea. The way I understand it is that mileage earned will expire in 3 yrs unless used or unless you continue to use the card they were earned on.
one this time, most of the time it works like this: 1. you get the "we'll contact you in thirty days" meaning your credit or something is wrong. 2. manual review will occur 3-4 days later resulting in second inqurity. 3. At the first sign of the second inquiry, call, because the decision has been made.
UNITED HAS THE SAME only EXPIRES if you do not ADD or USE MILEAGE in 3 years... You can add mileage to your account with-out the card... I get mileage from SAFEWAY grocery store, car rentals, hotels, (had) MCI, FTD, many other can even BUY MILEAGE...
Cannot figure out best way to try.... Has anybody ever tried Gold + Platinum -- rather than +Silver -- (so as to not give up the 0% BT)......was this a 2 for 1 INQ also? Is the AT&T card part of the 2 apps in 60days also?
But I think you are the *only* guy who ever talked them into the 0% BT after combining G+S to Plat.... I wish I knew what would happen (INQs, etc) if I applied Gold then Plat.
...but I also have been trying to get CITIBANK for years... DENIED EVERY SINGLE "PRE-APPROVED" offer that I got in the mail for the past few years...
i triedf both about a month ago.. said it was TOO SOON!! But last time I applied was back in JAN! That makes it OVER 90 days..
I am not sure I understand you mean you tried at&t and platinum? I guess the question is whether this limitation takes time, or if you apply for everything within minutes can you bypass. And my initial question remains....can I get away with 1 INQ for a G