(NON) Chex Systems Banks

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JustMe, May 12, 2002.

  1. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Suntrust will definitely run credit though. Equifax in Georgia and a hard inquiry at that.

    They do have a new promotion. Get a checking account and a check card and get a free 50... get a credit card and get another 50
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Found it!!!!!!!!!!! The list of good banks, and am posting it in case it disappears again so it will be here.

    New link: http://chexsys.tripod.com/goodbanks.html


    For those who would rather switch than fight, we list banks and credit unions which either do not use ChexSystems at all for verifying new accounts or accommodate in some way those with a negative ChexSystems report.
    [ Online Banks | AL | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | DE | FL | GA | HI | IA ID | IL | IN | KS | KY | LA | MA | MD | ME | MI | MN | MO | NC | NH | NM | NJ | NV | NY | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | TN | TX | UT | VA | VT | WA | WI | WV ]

    Across the USA - Online Banks
    Online banks are nearly as convenient as a local bank, especially if you have Direct Deposit. With most online banks, you also receive a VISA or Mastercard ATM/CheckCard. These debit cards can be used get cash from ATMs and to make purchases. You can even avoid ATM transaction fees by using the card to get cash back at U.S. Post Offices, grocery stores, and many other retailers.

    Marketplace Bank is our new favorite. Reportedly they verify new accounts using your Equifax credit report instead of ChexSystems -- at least for online applications. And no matter what your Equifax report looks like, you can always open an account should you also buy a $500.00 CD. Grade: B (preliminary -- we need to hear of more experiences good or bad with them!)

    NetBank apparently has seen the light! They now are granting accounts to people regardless of a negative or two in their ChexSystems record. They do verify new accounts using ChexSystems but they grant an account to many even if there are negatives filed with ChexSystems. Apparently you can also use a credit card to make the initial deposit to fund your account. NetBank acquired CompuBank's customers recently but hopefully this won't affect NetBank negatively. Grade: A-.

    RBC Centura (formerly SFNB, Security First Network Bank) uses your BEACON score from your Equifax credit profile instead of a ChexSystems report for verifying new accounts. Grade: B+.

    TD Waterhouse Online Bank went from being our most admired to landing near the last-choice as they now are refusing accounts. Here's a tip that apparently still works: Open an IRA account, which you can do with as little as $50 or less, perhaps. Then, after a week or so, you will be able to open a checking account with them. As a brokerage customer, you also will be able to avoid the monthly service charge on the checking account. The regular mutual fund accounts with TD Waterhouse however have a $1,000 initial deposit requirement. Make sure you understand that your opening deposit may not come back right away should you be denied an account. Grade: C-.

    Frost National Bank has been willing to open an account for those with a negative ChexSystems record if they can provide a letter from the institution that reported them stating that they owe no money to that institution. The account is called Frost Direct and comes with a Visa CheckCard. Grade: B (preliminary -- we need to hear of more experiences good or bad with them!)

    USAA reportedly will accomodate those with a negative ChexSystems record. Grade: ? (we need more feedback either way on them.)

    nBank.com reportedly verifies new accounts using your Equifax credit report instead of ChexSystems. Grade: C (preliminary -- we need to hear of more experiences good or bad with them!)

    Clarity Bank reportedly verifies new accounts using your Equifax credit report instead of ChexSystems. Grade: B (preliminary -- we need to hear of more experiences good or bad with them!)

    Officials at Wescom Credit Union claim that they verify all new accounts with ChexSystems however we hear otherwise. Several people who have negative ChexSystems reports and were unable to open an account elsewhere found success when trying to open a savings account or a direct-deposit checking account with Wescom. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. As a credit union, those eligible for membership are employees or their immediate family members who work at any company from this list of companies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. Deposits and withdrawals can be made at any Credit Union Service Center location across the country. Let us know whether or not Wescom was able to accomodate you. Grade: B+.

    Skylight Bank (formerly DBC Financial) offers their $6.95 per-month Stratus Card to anyone who has Direct Deposit, regardless of their ChexSystems record. Unfortunately there is a $19.95 sign-up fee. You'll receive an ATM card for cash withdrawals and debit card transactions. Grade: C- (Since everyone is approved we would like to give them a higher grade but we cannot due to the high per-month charge.) They haven't been impressing the feds lately either.

    Western Union offers their $10 per month Cash Card, which allows you to withdraw at ATMs and Western Union Agent Locations. Deposits also can be made at these agent locations, as well as by direct deposit. Grade: C- (because sign-up takes several weeks and because of the high per-month charge.)

    Bank Caroline considers Equifax in addition to ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Minor ChexSystems incidents which have been paid off and minor credit problems don't seem to hurt your chances of getting an account. One caution, a single overdraft on this account will cause the ATM/Visa Check card to be disabled for 30 to 60 days. Grade: B

    American Express Membership B@nking does verify new accounts with ChexSystems as well as perform a credit check. But a good credit report often will override a negative from your ChexSystems report. (Incidentally, a good ChexSystems report probably won't override a bad credit report.) [FYI: We've had reports that if they do deny your application, they are slow to return your initial deposit -- as long as four weeks has been reported.] Grade: C (preliminary -- we need to hear of more experiences good or bad with them!)

    Person to person services such as Paypal and Yahoo! PayDirect can be quite useful alternatives to checking accounts. These services allow you to send payments through e-mail with funds drawn against your balance with the service or from your credit card. Since these are not traditional checking accounts, there is no verification with ChexSystems, Telecheck, Equifax, or any other credit reporting network. A credit card is required to register for Yahoo! PayDirect and PayMe.com, and with PayPal.com, you can register with a credit card or with either an existing savings or checking account. Additionally, PayPal announced plans to offer a debit card for providing access to the funds in your PayPal account.
    Internet banks to avoid because of their policy of refusing new accounts based solely on ChexSystems data includes eBank.com, BankDirect.com, USABancshares.com, PCBanker.com, VirtualBank.com, and First Internet Bank of Indiana. Grade: F (They might be great online banks but we cannot give any of them a passing grade due to their ChexSystems policy.)

    As far as the company Consumer Resources: It is reportedly a scam. Same for FIRS.INFO.

    BankRate.com provides a list of Internet Banks. We'd like to hear of your experiences (positive or negative) with any of them to help us determine which ones to recommend.

    If you have the funds, you might want to consider opening a money market fund or brokerage account and get checking, savings, ATM, and VISA Check Card services with that account. See our Recommendation #15 for details and lists of where your money is welcome.

    State By State Listings

    In Alabama, Compass Bank verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems.

    Fedapostal Federal Credit Union, which has locations in Andalusia and Dothan, does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Suntrust Bank (formerly Crestar) reportedly verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems.


    In Arizona, Desert Schools Federal Credit Union has some branch locations which use Equifax instead of ChexSystems to verify new accounts. At the branch locations which use Equifax, your credit will determine what type of account you are eligible for. At the branch locations which use ChexSystems, you might try requesting a savings-only account instead as aparently Equifax is used for savings-only account verifications. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. If you learn which branches use which agency, let us know so that we can post that information here. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Compass Bank which bought Arizona Bank) verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems.

    DM Federal Credit Union with branch locations in Phoenix and Tucson was reported as to be not using ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Arizona Federal Credit Union with branch locations in and around Phoenix and Tucson was reported as to be not using ChexSystems when you open a savings/ATM-only account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Fort Huachuca, Luke AFB, and Yuma and also out-of-state.
  3. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 2

    In Arkansas, Superior Federal does use ChexSystems, but reportedly will accomodate those with a negative in their ChexSystems record. The Baseline Road branch location is more strict than their others, however.

    In Little Rock, Member Service Federal Credit Union apparently does not use ChexSystems in verifying new accounts. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    United Arkansas Federal Credit Union (501) 565-8500, apparently does not use ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Arvest Bank reportedly will consider those with a negative ChexSystems record on a case-by-case basis.

    Bank of the Ozarks reportedly will overlook a negative ChexSystems record. May not be all branches that do this though, so let us know which ones do and which ones don't.

    The Bank Of America branch locations in the Hot Springs area supposedly still use the practices from their previous lives as non-B Of A banks, and thus are not yet verifying new accounts through ChexSystems. .
  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 3

    In California, Technology Credit Union in Mountain View, Milpitas, San Jose, and Sunnyvale reportedly will overlook negatives in your ChexSystems record as long as you have a letter from the reporting bank or other proof that "all items owed have been paid". See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Golden1 Credit Union has branch locations throughout the state and reportedly is willing to overlook a negative incident listed with ChexSystems. As a credit union, you must be eligible for membership -- but anyone who lives or works in one of these counties or works at one of these companies is eligible. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Bay Cities Federal Credit Union, in San Leandro and Hayward reportedly will only look at the past two years of your ChexSystems history. Additionally, they will grant savings-only accounts regardless of what your ChexSystems record looks like. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Call (510) 881-8866 for directions to either location.

    San Mateo Credit Union will open a savings account regardless of your regardless of their ChexSystems record. As a credit union, you must be eligible for membership -- but anyone who lives, works or worships in San Mateo County qualifies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    The Bank Of Santa Clara even wrote us insisting that they do use ChexSystems and will not open accounts for those with a negative however there apparently are several sympathetic account reps who will open an account for you as long as you can show that the incident has been paid up.

    San Francisco Federal Credit Union will reportedly grant a savings-only account to anyone, regardless of their ChexSystems history. As a credit union, you must be eligible for membership to join -- but apparently anyone who lives, works or worships in San Francisco qualifies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    Safeway Select Bank, which has branch locations in San Jose, Modesto and Gilroy, reportedly is accomodating to those with a negative ChexSystems record.

    Some branches of US Bank might open an account for you if the incident reported is more than one year old, was not reported by one of their banks, and you have proof that you paid the incident. They can be reached at 1-800-872-2657. The branch locations in Downey, Bellflower, Walnut Creek and Modesto have accomodated people with a negative in their ChexSystems record. Perhaps this criteria will work at other US Bank locations. Please let us know!

    Broadway Federal Bank, has eight branch locations in Los Angeles and will reportedly open a savings-only account for you as long as you can show proof that the incident with ChexSystems has been paid. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    Union Bank of California reportedly offers savings accounts regardless of your ChexSystems history. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Additionally, applications filed online from their website are often approved for a checking account even though the same applicant would be denied at a walk-in branch.

    Bank of America reportedly has changed their ChexSystems policies and are much more accomodating now.

    Downey Savings reportedly will ignore any incident on your ChexSystems record that are more than three years old.

    In Northridge, Matadors Federal Credit Union will open savings-only accounts regardless of your ChexSystems record. Their membership eligibility includes students and faculty of CSU Northridge. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    First Entertainment Credit Union serves employees and their families of the entertainment industry. The list of member employers totals 600 different companies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. This institution will grant ATM Savings Accounts for consumers with a negative ChexSystems record but requires written proof that the incident has been paid up and then also charges $4.50 per month for the account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Branch locations in Burbank, Hollywood, Santa Monica and Culver City.

    WestOne Federal Credit Union in Pleasonton and Concord will accomodate those with a negative in their ChexSystems record. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Wescom Credit Union officials claim that they verify all new accounts with ChexSystems however we hear otherwise. Several people who have negative ChexSystems reports and were unable to open an account elsewhere found success when trying to open a savings account or a direct-deposit checking account with Wescom. (The Tustin branch is reported to be strict, however.) With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. As a credit union, membership is limited to residence in Los Angeles, Orange, or San Bernadino counties and to employees and their families of any of these employers. See our Credit Union tips for more information. Deposits and withdrawals can be made at any Credit Union Service Center location across the country. Let us know whether or not Wescom was able to accomodate you.

    In downtown San Bernardino is reportedly a renegade branch of Washington Mutual where our tipster says they are overriding ChexSystems when an incident is more than a year old and you have a letter from the reporting bank or other proof that "all items owed have been paid."

    The March Community Credit Union in Moreno Valley will allow those with a ChexSystems record to open savings-only accounts. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    The Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union will allow savings-only accounts regardless of what is in your ChexSystems report. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    The California Credit Union (formerly known as Teachers Credit Union) offers to those who don't qualify for standard account a special savings account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. The savings account requires a $500 minimum deposit however after six months you can open a checking account.

    Orange County Federal Credit Union does verify new accounts but some branch locations (the Lake Forest branch, for example) is willing to consider your application on a case-by-case basis.

    Also in Orange County, the Family 1 Federal Credit Union verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems, and can grant accounts to anyone who lives or works in Placentia, or to anyone who worships at one of the community's many churches. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    California Bank & Trust appears to be trying. We've received reports that if you can show that all incidents have been paid and can convince them that you don't plan on abusing your checking account with them, then they will make an exception to their ChexSystems policy and will grant you an account. Please let us know which branch locations are good and which ones aren't.
    Hacienda Heights, Crenshaw, Pomona, Torrance-Del Amo, Gardena, Costa Mesa, La Palma, Long Beach, Oxnard, Alpine, Carlsbad, Temecula, Kearney Mesa, Vista, and La Jolla have all been reported as good. Mountain View, Hacienda Heights and downtown Los Angeles were reported as bad.

    First Bank & Trust in Irvine reportedly is willing to overlook a negative in your ChexSystems report. Call (949) 551-6828 for directions. There are other FB&T locations throughout Orange County and other parts of California. Please let us know if any of the others are also accomodating.

    IndyMac Bank in Covina apparently will open an account for those with a negative ChexSystems record as long as the incident is marked as "all amounts owed have been paid" or you have proof that the incident has been paid up.

    The North Island Financial Credit Union has branch locations throughout San Diego and has reportedly been willing to overlook negatives found in ChexSystems reports.

    Capital Bank of North County has two branch locations, in Carlsbad, which use Telecheck instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. This is not true at the other branch locations however.

    In Stockton, the Delta Valley Credit Union can be reached by phone at (210) 465-8059 and does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems. As a credit union, those eligible for membership are employees or their immediate family members who work at a member company. See our Credit Union tips for more information.
  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 4

    In Sacramento County, Heritage Community Credit Union (formerly Mather FCU) will grant savings-only accounts regardless of your ChexSystems history and will allow it to be converted to a checking account account if after six months you had no problems. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Edwards AFB, Travis AFB, and Fort Irwin and also out-of-state.

    Fort Sill National Bank has branch locations in San Diego, Oceanside, and at the Marine Corps AGCC in TwentyNine Palms. Reportedly either they don't use ChexSystems or are willing to open accounts whether or not there are negatives on file. http://www.safewayselectbank.com/

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in San Diego, Westminster, and Monterey.


    In Colorado, there are many banks and credit unions which use an alternate verification company known as Colorado Cheque Connection. This company does operate quite similar to ChexSystems but since they don't share data, you might be able to take advantage of this difference. Colorado Cheque Connection can be reached by phone at (303) 595-3022.

    First United Bank has branch locations in and around Denver and Colorado Springs. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts.

    The Bank of Denver has three branch locations in Denver. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Call (303) 572-360 for the branch location nearest you.

    Equitable Savings & Loan has branch locations in Fort Collins, Fort Morgan, Sterling, Burlington, and surrounding communities. They do not use ChexSystems nor do they run a credit report. The minimum opening balance is $50.

    The Credit Union of Denver has two branch locations in Lakewood and one in Denver. As a credit union they have membership eligibility requirements. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Strange enough, this bank appears on this list as well as appearing in our Hall Of Shame. They are there because they will not allow you even a Savings account if you have a negative record with Colorado Cheque Connection. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    The University of Colorado Federal Credit Union has branch locations in Denver and Boulder. As a credit union, those eligible for membership are employees or their immediate family members who work or study at the U of C or work at any company from this list of companies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts.

    Denver Postal Credit Union has branch locations in Denver, Aurora and Arvada. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Valley Bank and Trust has nine branch locations and reportedly either does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems or is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    Commercial Federal Bank reportedly either does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems or is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    Community First National Bank has branch locations throughout the state and reportedly is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    The First National Bank in Trinidad reportedly is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Fort Carson and at the USAF Academy and also out-of-state.


    In Connecticut, the Savings Institute reportedly is verifying new accounts using NCPS which an alternate to ChexSystems but sometimes is willing to accomodate some with a negative record.

    Valley Bank in Bristol, (860) 582-8868, reportedly either does not use ChexSystems or is at least willing to consider accomodating those with a negative incident on their ChexSystems record.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Groton and New London.


    In the District of Columbia, Suntrust Bank (formerly Crestar) reportedly verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have two branch locations in D.C.
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 5

    In Colorado, there are many banks and credit unions which use an alternate verification company known as Colorado Cheque Connection. This company does operate quite similar to ChexSystems but since they don't share data, you might be able to take advantage of this difference. Colorado Cheque Connection can be reached by phone at (303) 595-3022.

    First United Bank has branch locations in and around Denver and Colorado Springs. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts.

    The Bank of Denver has three branch locations in Denver. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Call (303) 572-360 for the branch location nearest you.

    Equitable Savings & Loan has branch locations in Fort Collins, Fort Morgan, Sterling, Burlington, and surrounding communities. They do not use ChexSystems nor do they run a credit report. The minimum opening balance is $50.

    The Credit Union of Denver has two branch locations in Lakewood and one in Denver. As a credit union they have membership eligibility requirements. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Strange enough, this bank appears on this list as well as appearing in our Hall Of Shame. They are there because they will not allow you even a Savings account if you have a negative record with Colorado Cheque Connection. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    The University of Colorado Federal Credit Union has branch locations in Denver and Boulder. As a credit union, those eligible for membership are employees or their immediate family members who work or study at the U of C or work at any company from this list of companies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts.

    Denver Postal Credit Union has branch locations in Denver, Aurora and Arvada. They use Colorado Cheque Connection instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Valley Bank and Trust has nine branch locations and reportedly either does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems or is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    Commercial Federal Bank reportedly either does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems or is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    Community First National Bank has branch locations throughout the state and reportedly is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    The First National Bank in Trinidad reportedly is willing to accomodate some whose ChexSystems records shows a negative or two.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Fort Carson and at the USAF Academy and also out-of-state.


    In Connecticut, the Savings Institute reportedly is verifying new accounts using NCPS which an alternate to ChexSystems but sometimes is willing to accomodate some with a negative record.

    Valley Bank in Bristol, (860) 582-8868, reportedly either does not use ChexSystems or is at least willing to consider accomodating those with a negative incident on their ChexSystems record.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Groton and New London.


    In the District of Columbia, Suntrust Bank (formerly Crestar) reportedly verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have two branch locations in D.C.


    In Deleware, Fort Sill National Bank has branch locations at the Dover AFB. Reportedly either they don't use ChexSystems or are willing to open accounts whether or not there are negatives on file.


    In Florida, Fidelity Federal branch locations in and around Palm Beach only confirms with ChexSystems that you have no unpaid NSFs.

    Gold Coast Federal Credit Union has branch locations in and around West Palm Beach and is friendly as long as you have documentation showing that all amounts owed have been paid. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Marketplace Bank has locations throughout the state in select Winn-Dixie stores, reportedly verifies new accounts using your Equifax credit report instead of ChexSystems.

    Peoples Credit Union, with branch locations in North Miami and Pembroke Pines, will ignore ChexSystems information when you open a savings-only account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Often, you can then open a checking account shortly thereafter. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Compass Bank verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems.

    Fedapostal Federal Credit Union in Marianna does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Some branch locations of Bank United were reported to be not using ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. The branch locations in Coral Springs and Lake Worth do use ChexSytems, but perhaps others do not. If you can confirm which other branch locations do and which ones don't, we would appreciate it! (Note - in August 2000, Washington Mutual announced it will buy Bank United, so this may all change.)

    CityNational Bank with branch locations in and around Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Palm Beach, relies on your credit report check rather than using ChexSystems. Having proof that any incidents have been paid apparently helps your chances.

    University Credit Union, with membership available to students and faculty and their immediate family members who study at or work for the University of Miami and Florida International University. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    GTE Federal Credit Union has branch locations in Tampa and the surrounding communities and will grant accounts even though there are negatives in your ChexSystems record, although two years must have passed since any incidents were filed and you must also deposit $200 in your savings account, so in-effect you have your own self-funded overdraft protection program.

    In Pensacola, the Florida State Employees Federal Credit Union, (850) 474-1400, apparently does not check with ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Also in Pensacola, Members First Credit Union of Florida offers a Second Chance Checking program. We are not too impressed with the hefty $12 per month service charge, but compared to not being able to get an account -- that will do! See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Provident Bank has seven branch locations in and around Sarasota and Sun City. They have a branch location in Ohio that does not use ChexSystems in verifying new accounts so we are looking for confirmation that their Florida branch locations operate the same way.

    We received a note saying that the Fifth Third Bank in a different state does not verify with ChexSystems for new accounts. We'ld like some confirmation that the branch locations in Florida also do not verify with ChexSystems. Be careful, however -- this bank has closed active accounts in good standing based on ChexSystems info.

    1st National Bank of Homestead, with six branch locations either does not use ChexSystems or is willing to consider those with a negative in their ChexSystems record. At the Kendale Lakes branch ask for Maria for assistance.

    Just North of Orlando is the Maitland Branch Location for Washington Mutual, and apparently the manager there is willing to discuss with you your situation and sometimes will grant an account.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Mayport, and Pensacola.


    In Georgia, Suntrust Bank (formerly Crestar) occasionally will grant an account even to those who are on ChexSystems -- we're not sure what their criteria for this is. Also, they will soon be offering a "second-chance" program named RightStart.

    Additionally in Georgia, the Excel Federal Credit Union in Norcross verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Columbus Bank & Trust will let a good credit report override a negative in a ChexSystems report.
  7. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 6:

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Athens, Kings Bay, and St. Mary's.


    In Hawaii, consider the Navy Federal Credit Union. You could be eligible for an account if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Kailua and Pearl Harbor.


    In Idaho, Sterling Savings Bank evaluates Equifax in addition to ChexSystems when validating new applicants, and good credit might allow an applicant with a negative to slide on through.


    In Illinois, TCF National Bank has some branch locations (including all branch locations at the Jewel Osco stores) that don't use ChexSystems at all, we're told. If you learn of any other branches where this happens, let us know! Also, be aware of their "funds availability" policy for new accounts. You most likely aren't going to have access to your money until two weeks after your first deposit.

    Security Bank in Naperville was reported to use your credit score instead of your ChexSystems report. The branch locations can be reached by calling (630)357-1100.

    Catlin Bank (First National Bank of Catlin) doesn't verify new accounts with ChexSystem nor with any other credit reporting agency.

    Hebron State Bank reported does not use ChexSystems or is willing to overlook a negative report. They can be reached at (815) 648-2481

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.

    Hawthorn Bank in Mundelein reportedly runs a credit report instead of a ChexSystems report when verifying new accounts.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at the Great Lakes Training Centers and also out-of-state.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have one branch location in Waukegan.


    In Indiana, consider Fifth Third Bank. We received a note saying that the locations of this bank in a different state do not verify with ChexSystems for new accounts. We'ld like some confirmation that the branch locations in Indiana also do not verify with ChexSystems. For example, the Bloomington branch does verify using ChexSystems so that is a branch to avoid. Be careful, however -- this bank has closed active accounts in good standing based on ChexSystems info.

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.


    In Iowa, the First State Bank of Colfax reportedly does not use ChexSystems.

    Banks named Farmers and Merchants, including: Farmers and Merchants Bank and Trust and Farmers and Merchants Savings Banks reportedly will override a negative ChexSystems record given that you have a letter from the reporting bank stating that "all amounts owed have been paid". Locations in Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, and Alburnett.

    Waukee State Bank
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 7:

    Waukee State Bank reportedly will not verify new accounts with ChexSystems.


    In Kansas, Metcalf Bank has five branch locations in the Kansas City metro area, can be reached at (913) 648-4540, and verifies new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found in Leavenworth and at Fort Leavenworth and also out-of-state.


    In Kentucky, Provident Bank has eight branch locations. They have a branch location in Ohio that does not use ChexSystems in verifying new accounts so we are looking for confirmation that their Kentucky branch locations operate the same way.

    River City Bank apparently use a credit report instead of ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Call their Louisville branch at (502) 454-7900 for the branch location nearest you.

    We received a note saying that the Fifth Third Bank in a different state does not verify with ChexSystems for new accounts. We'ld like some confirmation that the branch locations in Kentucky also do not verify with ChexSystems. Be careful, however -- this bank has closed active accounts in good standing based on ChexSystems info.

    Owensboro National Bank will open a Savings-Only account for those who have negatives in their ChexSystems record. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Fort Knox and also out-of-state.


    In Louisiana, City Bank has five branch locations in Shreveport and they verify new accounts using TeleCheck instead of ChexSystems.

    The Louisiana branches of Union Planters Bank reportedly are not using ChexSystems for verifying new accounts. Branches of this bank in other states might not either, just that we have no information either way at this point.

    Whitney National Bank does use ChexSystems but has been willing to review applicants on a case-by-case basis. Call (225) 381-0840 for the branch location nearest you.

    Metro Bank verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems. They have three locations in Meraux, Kenner, and Metarie.

    CSE Federal Credit Union reportedly offer a savings/ATM for those who might not qualify for checking. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have two branch locations in New Orleans.


    In Maryland, Suntrust Bank (formerly Crestar) reportedly verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems.

    Provident Bank of Maryland reportedly will not reject an applicant based on ChexSystems data. This is a new tip so let us know if this works.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations throughout the state.


    In Maine, The Bank Of New Hampshire apparently has some Maine branch locations, and uses NCPS instead of ChexSystems.

    Medical Services Federal Credit Union does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.


    In Massachusetts, Charter One (formerly Albank) will open an account for you even if you have a negative in your ChexSystems report. Apparently they usually don't verify with ChexSystems, but even if they do they will grant an account as long as ChexSystems shows that all items owed have been paid or you can provide proof that the account has been paid in full.

    The Bank Of New Hampshire apparently has some Massachusetts branch locations, and uses NCPS instead of ChexSystems.


    In Michigan, Charter One Bank has branch locations in Michigan and although they do check with ChexSystems, if the incident is marked as "All amounts owed have been paid" or you can prove that the incident has been paid in full, then they will let you open an account.

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.

    Credit Union ONE is reported to be accomodating to those with a negative ChexSystems record. See our Credit Union tips for more information.


    In Minnesota, apparently at some branch locations of TCF National Bank, some account reps are eager to open new accounts and will skip the ChexSystems verification process. If you learn which branches this happens at, please let us know! For instance, the TCFs at Cub Foods at the Midway shopping center in St. Paul, and in Edina, were both reported to be good branches. Also, be aware of their "funds availability" policy for new accounts. You most likely aren't going to have access to your money until two weeks after your first deposit.
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    PART 8:

    Norwest Bank offers a "second chance" money management class at their branch locations in another state and then grant an account after completion of the class. We'ld like to hear if this option is available at Minnesota branch locations also!

    Firstar Bank offers Federal ETA accounts for those who receive a federal government paycheck, benefit or retirement.

    Marquette Bank does use ChexSystems but will often grant an account for those with a negative as long as the incident was more than three years ago and either your report shows the "all items owed have been paid" flag or you can prove that the balance was paid off.


    In Missouri Arvest Bank reportedly either does not use ChexSystems, or is at least willing to consider those with a negative ChexSystems record on a case-by-case basis. Please let us know if this is true.

    St. Johns Bank and Trust does verify new accounts through ChexSystems but reportedly will overlook a negative as long as you have proof that "all amounts owed have been paid".

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Fort Leonard and also out-of-state.


    In Nevada, First Entertainment Credit Union serves employees and their families of the entertainment industry. The list of member employers totals 600 different companies. See our Credit Union tips for more information. This institution will grant ATM Savings Accounts for consumers with a negative ChexSystems record but requires written proof that the incident has been paid up and then also charges $4.50 per month for the account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. There is one branch location in Las Vegas.

    Nevada State Bank apparently has a program where you can take an hour-long credit counseling class (fee of $10) and then will qualify for a "Fresh Start Checking Account", assuming the debt to the reporting bank has been paid off. There is a recurring $5 per month fee on the account, keep in mind.

    Safeway Select Bank, which has branch locations in Las Vegas and Henderson, reportedly is accomodating to those with a negative ChexSystems record.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at Nellis AFB and also out-of-state.


    In New Jersey, ABCO Public Employees Federal Credit Union on the campus of Rider University in Lawrenceville verifies new accounts using a Experian report instead of a ChexSystems report. Their phone number is (609) 896-5300.

    Bank of New York was reported by some to be good as far as overlooking ChexSystems but others report them as bad. So we just wanted to make sure to list them as a place to at least consider trying but don't hold your breath.

    The Armed Forces Bank serves military and civilian customers, and appears to be willing to accomodate some people with a negative ChexSystems record. Branch locations can be found at McGuire AFB, Fort Dix and also out-of-state.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Earle and Cherry Hill.


    In New Hampshire, The Bank Of New Hampshire uses NCPS instead of ChexSystems.


    In New Mexico, New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union in and around Albuquerque will allow savings-only accounts regardless of your ChexSystems record, which can be converted to checking after a year of good behavior. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. See our Credit Union tips for more information.


    In New York, Charter One (formerly Albank) has branch locations in upstate New York, and will open an account for you even if you have a negative in your ChexSystems report. Apparently they usually don't verify with ChexSystems, but even if they do they will grant an account as long as ChexSystems shows that all items owed have been paid or you can provide proof that the account has been paid in full.

    Columbia-Barnard Federal Credit Union on the campus of Columbia University in New York City offers membership to faculty, staff, students and alumni and their relatives. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They are reportedly friendly to those of us in Chex Hell providing that you can prove that you are paid up on the offending incident.

    Bank of New York was reported by some to be good as far as overlooking ChexSystems but other reported them as bad. So we just wanted to make sure to list them as a place to at least consider trying but don't hold your breath.

    Bank Of New Hampshire apparently has some New York branch locations, and uses NCPS instead of ChexSystems.
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    I lost count ;-):

    Cross County Federal Savings Bank which is local to Queens and Brooklyn, will let you open a savings-only account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Additionally, if the account is in good standing after six months, they will add full checking privilegs to the account.

    Tompkins County Trust Company reportedly will open accounts regardless of your ChexSystems record. Asking for a debit card though is asking for closer scrutiny.

    Cayuga Bank (formerly Homestead Savings), in Utica, Rome, Clinton, and Waterville, apparently does not use ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. Call (315) 797-1350 for the number for any of the branch locations.

    Herkimer County Trust withn branch locations in Oneida and Herkimer counties, was reported as a bank to consider.

    Ticonderoga Federal Credit Union can be reached at (518) 585-6725 and grants accounts to those who live within a 70 mile radius. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They do not verify new accounts using ChexSystems.

    Alternatives Federal Credit Union in Ithica specializes in serving women, minorities, low-income and disadvantaged people. In addition, they offer their Individual Matching Account for low-income people and the working poor. With this account, they provide an incredible 3:1 matching funds offer. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Allied Irish Bank is a foreign owned bank with full retail banking in New York City and offers Internet banking also. Residents of NY and NJ are eligible for an account. There may be a high minimum balance requirement however. Call (212) 339-8000 for details.

    Community Bank in Gowanda (near Buffalo) can be reached at (716) 532-3363 and reportedly does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems.

    Tompkins County Trust Company is a community bank that reportedly will overlook a negative in your ChexSystems report.

    Uni Star Federal Credit Union, in Tarrytown, will reportedly overlook a negative ChexSystems report. They are located at 303 South Broadway. We found another Uni Star listing, in Glenham, but are unsure if they too have the same policy. They can be reached at: (845) 831-8308. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Great Eastern Bank has branch locations in Midtown Manhattan, Chinatown and Flushing. Apparently, they will accomodate those with a negative in their ChexSystems record.

    Abacus Federal Savings Bank in Chinatown can be reached at (212) 285-4770 and apparently will accomodate those with a negative in their ChexSystems record.

    United Orient Bank in Chinatown can be reached at (212) 349-1100 and apparently will accomodate those with a negative in their ChexSystems record.


    In North Carolina, First Citizen's Bank reportedly will "override" a ChexSystems report and will still open an account as long as you visit the branch in-person, and provide proof that the incident has been paid up. Sometimes, however, the override will be refused by corporate a few days later -- so keep that in mind. Please let us know whether or not this worked for you so we will know if it is worth listing this tip here.

    North Carolina State Employees' Credit Union reportedly does not use ChexSystems to verify new accounts. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    NBC Bank with branch locations throughout the state reportedly does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems.

    Self-Help Credit Union exists to help you if you are a woman or a minority, or if you reside in a low income or rural household. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Fort Sill National Bank has the Camp Lejune branch location in Jacksonville. Reportedly either they don't use ChexSystems or are willing to open accounts whether or not there are negatives on file.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have branch locations in Havelock, Jacksonville and Triangle.


    In Ohio, Apple Creek Banking Company does not use ChexSystems at all. If you want an ATM/Check Card, then they will run a credit report, but if you are only requesting basic checking they reportedly do not even perform that verification. Branch locations can be found in Manchester, Canal Fulton, and Apple Creek.

    First National Bank of Germantown does use ChexSystems when verifying new accounts but have granted accounts even though a negative exists in the applicant's ChexSystems record.

    Charter One Bank has branch locations in Ohio and although they do check with ChexSystems, if the incident is marked as "All amounts owed have been paid" or you can prove that the incident has been paid in full, then they will let you open an account.

    A Provident Bank branch location in downtown Cleveland does not verify new accounts with ChexSystems. There are Provident branch locations throughout Ohio, and we're looking for confirmation that their other Ohio branch locations operate the same way. We were notified that the branch locations in Columbus do use ChexSystems, so perhaps it is Cleveland only. And in Cleveland, the location at 1111 Superior Avenue now does verify with ChexSystems also.
  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    We received a note saying that an Ohio branch location of Fifth Third Bank in Ohio does not verify with ChexSystems for new accounts. We need you to tell us which branch locations do and which do not verify with ChexSystems. For example, the Brooklyn, OH branch location does use ChexSystems. Be careful, however -- this bank has closed active accounts in good standing based on ChexSystems info.

    Cintel Federal Credit Union reportedly does not use ChexSystems. They will run a credit report, however, if you are requesting overdraft protection, See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have a branch location in Cleveland.


    In Oklahoma, some Superior Federal branch locations do not use ChexSystems. Please let us know if you learn of any branches that do or do not use ChexSystems.

    First National Bank of Midwest City does not use ChexSystems.

    Arvest Bank reportedly either does not use ChexSystems, or is at least willing to consider those with a negative ChexSystems record on a case-by-case basis. The branch location on 29th Street in Del City is not one of these, however. Bring with you proof that the incident you were reported for has been resolved.

    City National Bank has three locations in Lawton and reportedly will open accounts for those, even if a negative appears when verifying with ChexSystems. Call (580) 355-3580 for the branch locations.

    Exchange National Bank in Moore, which can be reached at (405) 794-5511, has been reported to overlook a negative or two in your ChexSystems history.

    Yukon National Bank reportedly will consider granting an account to those who have a negative ChexSystems record, as long as you can prove that any items owed have been paid.

    Fort Sill Federal Credit Union reportedly will open accounts for those, even if a negative appears when verifying with ChexSystems. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    Fort Sill National Bank has branch locations in Fort Sill and Lawton. Reportedly either they don't use ChexSystems or are willing to open accounts whether or not there are negatives on file.


    In Oregon, Sterling Savings Bank Equifax in addition to ChexSystems when validating new applicants, and good credit might allow an applicant with a negative to slide on through.

    Although Resource Conservation Federal Credit Union does use ChexSystems, they reportedly will accomodate those with negative incidents in their ChexSystems record as long as they can prove that any incidents have been paid. See our Credit Union tips for more information.

    First Tech Credit Union in considers a credit report when determining whether or not to open a checking account. But if you are denied for checking, they offer a "cash only" savings account. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Deposits can include cash or business and payroll checks only, but they don't deny that type of account to anyone. Membership is limited to employees of certain companies, most of which are in the Seattle and Portland areas. See our Credit Union tips for more information.


    In Pennsylvania, Dollar Bank has many branch locations in Pittsburgh and does not check with ChexSystems.

    Firstrust Bank verifies new accounts using Telecheck instead of ChexSystems and has locations throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding counties. Update -- apparently some branches now use ChexSystems when verifying new accounts. If you learn which ones still used Telecheck, please let us know and we'll list them here.

    Philadelphia Federal Credit Union will open a checking account as long as any incidents reported to ChexSystems show the "All items owed have been paid" flag, or you can provide proof that the incidents have been paid. They also allow anyone to open a savings-only account regardless of any negatives filed with ChexSystems. With a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions.

    National City Bank does verify new accounts with ChexSystems but appears to be willing to accomodate some people who have a negative ChexSystems record.

    PNC Bank is now offering a special account, called their "Primary Access", for those with negatives in their ChexSystems report but can show proof that "all items owed have been paid". This is just a savings-only account, remember. But with a savings account you can use services such as PayPal which use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) and ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. Please let us know which branches this is available at and whether or not it helped you.

    You could be eligible for an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union if you or a family member (a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, child, or grandchild) works for, is in, or has retired from the Navy, Marine Corps, or the U.S. Coast Guard. See our Credit Union tips for more information. They have a branch location in Willow Grove
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    In West Virginia, First Citizen's Bank reportedly will "override" a ChexSystems report and will still open an account as long as you visit the branch in-person, and provide proof that the incident has been paid up. Sometimes, however, the override will be refused by corporate a few days later -- so keep that in mind. Please let us know whether or not this worked for you so we will know if it is worth listing this tip here.


    In Wisconsin, Norwest Bank locations in greater Milwaukee reportedly offers their "Get Checking" money management class for those with a negative in their ChexSystems record. They will grant an account after completion of the class. Norwest has locations throughout the state and in a good part of the country, so we'ld like to hear if this option is available elsewhere too!

    Also, apparently at some Wisconsin branch locations of TCF National Bank, some account reps are eager to open new accounts and will skip the ChexSystems verification process. The branch locations at the Jewel Osco stores don't use ChexSystems at all, we're told. Also, the branch location at 5500 West Capitol Court in Milwaukee is very good! If you learn of any other branches where this happens, let us know! Also, be aware of their "funds availability" policy for new accounts. You most likely aren't going to have access to your money until two weeks after your first deposit.

    West Bend Savings Bank reportedly will not refuse a checking account to those with a negative ChexSystems record as long as ChexSystems shows that all items owed have been paid or if you can provide proof that the account has been paid in full.

    First Namtional Bank of Stoughton reportedly will grant a savings-only account (with Debit Card) to all applicants, regardless of their ChexSystems history.

    St. Francis Bank in Lake Geneva reportedly does not use ChexSystems, or will override a negative ChexSystems report. We just got this as a new tip so please let us know how well this works out for you.


    By the way, if you are curious as to what the people on the inside at ChexSystems are like then please read this message we received.

    We have two lists of credit unions which we think will accomodate those with a negative in their record, but we need more feedback on each of the credit unions. From the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions site, select the Members link, and you will see nearly 200 credit unions across the country. Additionally, this site lists many credit unions.

    That is it, sorry. If you know of any others that do not use ChexSystems, or allow accounts for those with ChexSystems incidents, then please let us know at chexsystemsbites@yahoo.com.
  13. JustMe

    JustMe Well-Known Member

    Thanks that was great !
  14. charlie12

    charlie12 New Member

    Try this site http://www.passchecking.com

    I used this service. Well worth the fee. Great information and they claim to update their list of non-CHEX banks weekly.

    Whatever, worked for me..
  15. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    The new link I posted and the pages and pages and pages of banks above is from the passchecking link, used to be a free list maintained on the internet under chexsystembites -- they are now charging for it.

    That's what made me angry, not that I begrudge anyone the right to make a profit, but the point was at first, the injustices and illegalities of having been reported to chex in the first place and what a screwed consumer could do about it.

  16. kellyscott

    kellyscott Well-Known Member

    I'd watch out for PassChecking.com. They're not a member of the BBB. They have a few competitors now like http://www.newcheckingaccount.com. It sux that they all charge for what used to be free, but at least newcheckingaccount.com is a member of the BBB. The other competitor is http://www.a1credit4me.com
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    If you search this site, the same information and better has all been posted here.

    Don't pay any of them, I say, you've payed enough already if you have to deal with Chex.

  18. Tootallgal

    Tootallgal New Member

    I don't know where you're located, but here in Northern Illinois my daughter was able to open a checking account recently at TCF Bank (she's in chexsystems for a bum $17.00 check!).
  19. BumbleBee

    BumbleBee Well-Known Member

    Arvest doesn't use ChexSystems? They use something! I opened an account there about a year ago. Was planning to make DH joint, but they wouldn't accept him because of a bounced check when we were in MO. That's something that needs to be cleared up along with everything else. Yes, we had a problem with some bounced checks (snowball effect!), but as far as we know, everything was cleared up. Arvest didn't even give him the time of day on that one. We didn't know what to do (we still have accounts in MO which we can check online and his check is direct deposit, so it wasn't a biggie), but I'm learning!

    You're amazing, Sassy!!

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