This is a non-referral but i thought i would share this: ing direct, deposit $1 in their account, to open, and get $50. Start your crimmas fund or something. no i dont get anything from this, I just thought someone might want a non-qualifying savings account and free money.. (move this if it is deemed inappropriate)
I also opened one, with an automatic deposit - this is the only way I can seem to save. I also noticed their loan terms seem very good - 8%, no fees, no collateral, based on credit only. The loans look like a good deal for anyone who has good credit...sadly not me...yet!
Re: Non-credit savings account and Hell, for $50 in 2 minutes, I'll take inappropriate anytime But seriously, and bonus matters aside, this actually seems like a good product. If you report a positive loan experience w/ them, I'd apply for a loan, too. Thanks sam. Saar
Re: Non-credit savings account and ING is a huge international insurance company based in ummmmm Netherlands?? They bought up a bunch of US insurance companies. Branching out into banking I guess.
Re: Non-credit savings account and Thanks Sam I had been thinking about opening an account for my "MAD MONEY", mom always told me to keep some LOL. The 50.00 bonus was huge plus, I don't believe they offered that much before, again thanks for the link
Re: Non-credit savings account and Just to let you know, before I signed up for this account I thought I'd check out PlanetFeedback and see if there were any complaints. Sure enough there is one scary one posted today by someone who has an Ing account direct debiting her checking account like crazy. I decided not to sign up. The complaint is under shared letters for BANKS dated today 9/7... Mist
Re: Non-credit savings account and Thanks Mist, there is also plenty of information at the Fools board in the online banking section, the approval rate seems quite favorable, I have not seen many complaints but will check out that post.
Re: Non-credit savings account and i've been a customer for several months. no issues.. by the way, if you refer other people, they get $25 and you get $10, however this link has nothing to do with a referral, i get $0 you get $50 Works better huh? enjoy the money. They must be one big bank to give out that kind of cash and survive.
Re: Non-credit savings account and Thanks Sam for the info. Opened one with my secondary checking acc't. Will see what happens.
Re: Non-credit savings account and Even better...I signed up at a local credit union for a checking, or share draft, account. They were offering $50 to open an account and with only a $25.00 deposit and no fees. So all I did was deposit the $25 into my ING account and...poof...$100 of free money for a whole whopping 25 bucks! SWEET! ---> Zaphod ;') Thanks Sam!
Re: Non-credit savings account and Yeah it seems the problem was with the automatic scheduled withdrawals. So if you want to be safe don't authorize them to make automatic could be a nightmare! ---> Zaphod ;')
Re: Non-credit savings account and That sounds wierd. If anybody is good at that, insurance companies are. I use it for my drip accounts, stop or even suspend them any time. I signed up for it, will let ya know.
Re: Non-credit savings account and When do they deposit the $50 in the account? After you confirm those 2 deposits they put in? Sounds like there are NO fees either, sounds like a good deal. I'm just going to stash some money every week and watch the savings grow.
Re: Non-credit savings account and Actually I opened an account yesterday and the deposit has already been made. Being financially retarded about some things I apparently checked the wrong option for "backup withholding" as I didn't take the time to read or understand what it is - so they took about $16.00 in this tax. I just emailed them to see if they will change it.