Non-disclosure agreement LTRs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mindcrime, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    I've looked around, read some talk on these, but can't seem to find any sample letters either on the site or Googling.

    Anyone used any with success (or not)? Willing to share a sample letter with the group?
  2. Logan Abbott

    Logan Abbott Well-Known Member

  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind that those are for businesses. How exactly are you intending to use the NDA (to prohibit CRA reporting or other disclosure; other settlement purposes)?
  4. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    I want to use them to prohibit CA from reporting to CRAs. Balances are very small, able to PIF if need be, but figured I'd offer 50%.

    I went through letters on site Jason linked to, but wasn't sure to how modify to what I needed.
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    As the above thread points out NDAs are typically used in settling suits so that the plaintiff doesn't go around saying that "If you tell DSDA Collections, Inc. that you file against them, they'll send you a check right away." As Bill points out, you want to Keep It Simple Stupid, so that it hopefully flies under their radar if you want to get them to agree to a NDA.
  7. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    With all the PFD threads talking about how it's getting harder to negotiate deals like that, I thought I'd try a different angle. I see your and Bills point; I'll keep it short and hope that the 'high' settlement offer is enticing enough to just sign the deal.

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