
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by phoenix, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    What are the usual statutes relating to non-permissible purpose inquiries, both from OC and CA?

    Mobile phone carrier whom I left a few months ago, I disputed the final bill amount and told them so in writing. I have an inquiry from them on Experian this week, under the "requests viewed only by you". Have they violated anything?

    I think they also violated the Fair Credit Billing Act by not responding to my bill dispute, which was timely, and by not crediting the amount?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Their inquiry might technically be inviolation as an account inquiry, but the elapsed time makes it weak.
    They might still have PP for collection purposes.

    Did you send your dispute certified, to be able to show when they received it?
  3. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    Yes, I sent my dispute certified. That was done a few months ago, definitely within 60 days of the billing error.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Call them. See if they are even handling your dispute.

    If not, raise the stakes, and file a complaint with FCC, and your state public utilities commission. Send copies of your original dispute letter.

    Those complaints add to your documentation of terminating service, as well as disputing the bill, since as time passes, their next claim will be that you did neither.

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