Not certain if this debt is SOL

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MJJ3767, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. MJJ3767

    MJJ3767 Active Member

    I received a letter yesterday from a collection agency trying to collect on an old debt for Capital One. I am almost positive this is out of SOL but I have no clue when I made my last payment. My credit report does not reflect this. Before I send them a letter to validate, I would like to know if it's SOL. Would it be a good idea to call the agency and ask what date they show I made my last payment? If I find this debt is SOL before I validate, is there any reason to validate?
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    What is your credit report showing? Does it show the months you became 30-60-90-120 days late and then a charge off month and year?
  3. MJJ3767

    MJJ3767 Active Member

    My current credit report does not show any reporting of 30-60-90 days late. It starts showing a charge off 9/07. I found an old credit report and it shows it charged off as of May 2005 but it does not show any 30-60-90, the reporting starts with the charge off. I am in Arizona and I believe the SOL is 3 years. Should I email them and tell them they are passed SOL and to stop contacting me?
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Its probably out of date, as the default date would have been sometime before the charge off date. You can sometimes call the CRA's and ask for the Date of First Delinquency being reported.

    Otherwise I would send a validation letter, but whatever you decide, I wouldn't use email - use snail mail.

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