Just noticed something weird. The car loan which I have had since July 2007 shows up on EXperian, quifax, but not on Transunion. Called the creditor, who swears up and down that they report to all three outfits, and told me to dispute the absence of this account with TU. If the creditor is telling the truth about the activity on my account being reported to all three, what could TU be motivated not to report/list it?
Did you ever dispute this tradeline for any reason? Perhaps it was deleted at some point. Also, not all creditors report to all three agencies, it does cost them to report. It may be that the CSR was not correct stating they report to all three. It is also a bit odd for the CSR to tell you to "dispute" w/Transunion; usually this must be addressed with the original creditor, for them to verify they are reporting. You can call Transunion and inquire, but I do not think a "dispute" is in order here.
No, I never disputed this tradeline. It was/is a positive tradeline. AS I mentioned in my original post the creditor swears up, down and sideways that they are reporting to all three on a monthly basis. My wife, a co-borrower, also noticed on her TU report that this tradeline was missing. Her hunch is that because we cancelled our subscriptions to the TrueCredit monitoring service/an "arn" of TransUnion, they are punishing us by deleting/not reporting a major good tradeline.
I agree with Biz. Disputing a non-report is probably going to get nowhere. I'd call the creditor again, and ask if they report to all three. As Biz mentioned, not everyone does. If they still insist that they do, ask to speak to a supervisor. Ask him or her to make sure that they are reporting it. In fact, ask them if they would send you a copy of what they send to TU. Once you have that proof, then you could send it to TU and ask them to report it. (They probably still won't, based on your communication, but they may look to verify that the creditor is reporting).