I sent a goodwill letter to Chrysler and I received a letter from them today and I am not sure how to take this. Dear Ms. XXXX Thank you for your letter to bla bla . Upon review, we have forwarded your letter to: Chrysler Financial ���.. address Etc PHONE NUMBER Their office hours are from x to x M - F We believe our referral action will provide the best opportunity for review. Sincerely, XXX Since they gave their phone number am I supposed to call them? And, I have no idea what the last sentence is supposed to mean! Any opinions?
Sandie, Give that dept. a call and tell them that you were referred by whomever regarding a request. Maybe they can help you and will. Good luck!
Anyone else what to chime in? I have not called yet. I would like to wait a bit and see if I receive another letter in the mail.
Well, I called Chrysler today. I called the number that they supplied in their letter. The person I spoke with did not know what I was talking about. I told him the letter I received had a reference number. He said that number would not help. So I told him what I was calling about (i.e. Letter I sent, Credit adjustment. Etc.) He said, oh you need the credit dispute department and transferred me. I spoke to another person, he also knew nothing about the letter I sent or the reference number. I explained to him too about the letter I sent. Now mind you, I was being very very nice to him. I explained to him that the car was in my name, but it was my sonâ??s and I did not know he paid late 4 times (this is the truth). Well, he rudely and rather loud said â?? it was your responsibility to make sure the payment was sent in on timeâ?. I told him he was correct and I was sorry. I told him I wish I would have made certain my son made the payments on time. Anyway, he would not budge. He said there is no way they would change the lates. Well, so much for a goodwill letter to Chrysler, I suppose it will have to stay on until the 7 year mark. On a side note: What bothers me is, on all three of my credit reports it states current status â??30 days lateâ?. The car was paid off in 1999. How could the current status be late?
I'd send a letter to the CEO and thank them for the RUDE treatment and let him know you won't be purchasing another Chrysler product. Gib
i agree.... I would dispute with the cra's and I would also send a letter to chrysler about the late dates..... If it is paid, I would go nutcase on them... you tried good will with no success... I would send them a nutcase letter .... they will probably violate ( again) and you have leverage for deletion
The Goodwill letter is the right way to with some companies, if the debt is truly yours. But, if your are not totally positive, and you acknowledge the debt is yours in writing, it can cause problems with the CRA disputing.
I have to agree with Gib. Do a search on PFB and get the name and address for the CEO of Chrysler. Address a letter to him and explain everything that happened including the rude behavior of the second person you spoke to. If PFB has a fax number for the CEO fax the letter to him as well as sending it snail mail. I think that you will get the 30 day lates deleted. If that doesn't work, then I would consider sending them a nutcase letter. My opinion is that you should try to get the 30 day lates removed rather then having the entire tradeline deleted. Good luck to you!