George - I paid a student loan off and my score dropped 12 points so you are doing better than most, imho
I'm down to my last negative on TU. My score on Worthknowing when I had more than 20 negatives was a 5. My score now? 5.
I'm TOTALLY AMAZED with their scoring first score was 100... I owe a TON LESS NOW...for a WAY LOWER SCORE???
No matter what happens to my TU report (deletions, etc.) I have always been a 5. I think the default must be 5 - lol. I had 8 negatives deleted - still a 5!!
Hey, I'm a 5, too! Maybe we can start the "5" Club! With a 5, you apparently pre-qualify for three credit cards, two of which are now defunct . Can't wait 'til I qualify for a NextCard... wajaba
What is the first step to resolving the incorrect information? Call TransUnion at 800-916-8800 and tell them exactly which trades are incorrect and why. This will begin the investigation process and they will respond to you within --->90 days. ILLEGAL???
Should read: "This will begin the investigation process and, unless you've been flagged as a troublemaker or a lawyer, they will sometimes delete the entry at 4:59pm on the 30th day. You will be allowed approximately two weeks of happiness and joy with the progress you think you're making, after which time they will actually start working on the case. This will invariably result in a re-insertion of the derogatory mark into your credit file, only you won't know about it until you get turned down for something, because they still can't get the hang of that whole 5-day notification thing. And they dare you, they dare you, to file suit or to complain about it, 'cuz they're just itching to open a can o' legal whoop-ass on you, buddy...what, you wanna start something? Huh? Thank you for using" Anyway, I think that was the official text from their website. They musta changed it, or something. wajaba
Why tell them to change? The reinsertion stuff is a guaranteed $1000. I already have a boiler plate small claims complaint drawn up and the courthouse is 5 mins from my work. Catch them on two or three every few months and you got quite a cash business. They could have F Lee Bailey as their attorney, if the account reappears without the 5 days notice. Phi Slamma Jamma!!!!! TransUnion has permanent account blocks in their software. Don't know if the other CRAs have it. Interesting software glitch at Equifax. Wanna get around their online block from reinvestigations? If you get the message, simply backtrack to an old confirmation number and whalla you can redispute! Print the confirmation number and more rope to hang them with. I hope you are lurking CRA scum!!!!