I received a detailed (and legal looking) Notice of Arbitration by Federal Express today. After doing some research, I've discovered this is at best a quasi-legal debt collection attempt, and at worse, the abuse of a clause I either didn't sign for or that can't be enforced since I didn't sign it after the initial debt dispute. Either way, I need to know information about how to refuse this arbitration. I'm going to be moving forward with bankrupty very soon (much to my dismay, but with no income and a baby on the way, debts just can't get paid) and have no intention of being suckered into an agreement to pay that I cannot fulfill. I've found a couple of sites that seem to offer what I need, but I don't know what to do about Georgia law. http://whychat.5u.com/arbltr.html Here's the main form I found, that seems to cover what I need, but I don't speak legalese, and need some advice on filling out this letter, and what to DO with it! Or where I can go to find out. I will be speaking with a lawyer soon (to give you an idea how poor I am, I'm going to have to make payment arrangements to afford bankruptcy), but I have 30 days to respond to this crap, and want to be on the ball with it.