This SUCKS! Went to the court house today to get a copy of the judgement against me from 09/2000. The lady typed the case number into the computer and it spit out a "summary" which contained no address, no writ of summons", NOTHING!!! Just the plaintiff & defendent info and the breakdown of the amount owed, fees, etc. With only two people working in the Civil Court office, I know that they aren't physically locating the files, but only "verifying" information on the little printout when the CRA requests it. What should I do? I was so jazzed to dispute the process of how it was served, but now, I'm thinking about hiring Lexington or someone to take care of it for me.
you need to get a copy of the entire case file, which you are entititled to.... did you ask for it? I hope you kept of a copy of what they gave you..... what you really need a certified copy of the proceedings or a copy of the court transcipt... it should have everything in there! Have you disputed this judgement with the cra's... chances are it will not get verified in time , if in fact there are jsut two folks working there.
Thanks for the info. I have tried disputing this a couple of times on my EXP and EQU CRs. They both come back verified. Guess the info from the little print out is good enough for them! Lisa
You are allowed to look up your case file in the court dockets. All you need is the case number and ask the clerk where the records room is. It's like a big library and the books are numbered by case number. You can get certified copies of everything. This is public record and anybody can look up anything they want (just in case they say no, which they shouldn't).
IMO you are much better off without Lexington's intervention. Their idea of getting deletions ivolves spamming the CRA's. This can be done by yourself, get the complete file of this case and take it to an attorney for his review. It might cost a $100 or so dollars but it is well worth it. You can then find reasons to get the judgement vacated for good! Tac