Now What?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anoury, May 31, 2007.

  1. anoury

    anoury Member

    West Asset Management is trying to collect a debt from a local hospital. Here are the details...

    I received a letter from them trying to collect a debt. I sent them a validation letter but not within the 30 days. I also checked the credit bururea and disputed it with them and it came back verified. I also received a letter from west asset mgmt saying they validated the debt and they attached several pages to it.

    according to them, the services were on 6/12/02. I do not believe I had services there at that time. The first services I had there was more than a year later. It also shows some adjustments on there that I assume are insurance adjustments, I did not have insurance at that time. I did not have insurance from 6/01 until 4/03. It also shows a payment on there. I know I never made a payment to them. I am sure this is not my debt.

    What do I do now. I have disputed it twice with the CB's and it still comes back verified...

    Any help would be great.

  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    I would send another letter demanding that they CONCLUSIVELY VERIFY that YOU are in faact the correct consumer.

    Did the "statements" provide your address information, or other personal information?

    Call the insurance company mentioned in the letter, ask that they verify the dates of service with their records; and if they tell you that you are not able to find out information about the account because you aren't the correct consumer, get them to PUT IT INTO WRITING.

    You want to get a paper-trail which backs up whether or not you are the correct consumer.

    If you get the letter saying you are not the consumer, then I would dispute it again with the CRA's demanding that they force the consumer to CONCLUSIVELY VERIFY the account from the original account documentation, in accordance with Johnson v. MBNA. Sending a copy of the "You are not the correct party" letter as proof to support the mis-identification claim.
  3. anoury

    anoury Member

    Thanks for the me start in the right direction.

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