Hi all, I sent off an estoppel for a paid collections for a 50.00 electric bill and a nutcase letter off for a paid car loan that was showing lots of late payments. The estoppel was sent on Feb. 19th and they received it on feb. 24th. The nutcase was sent in late Jan. I haven't heard from the CA or the bank for the car loan at all. The CA deleted the TL from equifax when I disputed them last month, but it remains verified on Experian. Send another estoppel with something saying " SECOND NOTICE" highlighted on top, or an intent to sue, or perhaps a copy of a small claims court lawsuit form before I send it in? If so, what would I sue them for (or try to scare them into thinking I will sue for)? defamation of character? Now, the nutcase. Of course, nothing was done to delete the neg. late payments. My equifax report showed 12 times 30 days late and 2 times 60 days late. Now, after I try to dispute it again, I get this: 18 times 60 days late and 6 times 90 days late!!! WTF happened there? Whats my next step after this happens? Estoppel for them? son of nutcase maybe? My score didnt drop too much from this, but it did drop. Nothing seems to work for this account. It was from sovereign bank, and it was payed off last year. My brother was using the car and making payments (although the payments were obviously late!) Thanks for any help you can give!
I would send procedure request to experian.... it might get deleted if they did not really investigate. Did they mark the account"in dispute"? If the CA or OC failed to do this, that is a violation/ I would not send intent to sue, unless you are going to follow through with it.... maybe you should try the son of a nutcase! For the car loan, is it reporting the same way on each report? If not, then you probably have them on a FCRA violation... you disputed with CRA? Have they (the bank) marked it as in dispute????? I am thinking you want deletions from this correct? How far are you willing to go?? Will you actually sue them?
Sue them for divorce! After all, you are trying to divorce them from your credit bureau records aren't you?? Make them pay child support too while you are at it. (LOL) No, better yet make that ROFLMAO!
another case of someone trying to use an instrument when they know little about its true use. Thats why some people can't own guns. You shot yourself in the foot here. If you don't know what you are doing, I would suggest reading the boards and expanding your knowledge more on the subject. You haven't begun to scrape the surface! It is better to be patient and be prepared than it is to jump to conclusions!
Ok then, explain how I shot myself in the foot please. "I would suggest reading the boards and expanding your knowledge more on the subject" Ive been doing that for quite a while thanks. Was I wrong to send a nutcase to an OC that is fully paid off, but reporting late notations? They verify every time. I would think the nutcase is the way to go here... As for the CA, I failed to mention that They didnt validate for me.
You already have these people on violations. I hate to tell you this because I can tell you're reluctant, but it's time to file suit. As soon as they get served with a case number they'll acquiesce.
Sure, go to small claims and get the form. Put in "numerous violations of FCRA". Pay $35. Anything else?
I guess that should do for those who are just looking for the simplistic approach hoping for a quick kill. But what will you do when one of them bumps you into U.S. Federal District Court and says "put up your dukes buddy. I'm calling your silly bluff and I'll see you in discovery."
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. Booooooo to your pessimistic approach to every question. I've noticed that when reading a few questions recently on these boards. The estoppel is worthless in my opinion. I just don't use it and have never had a need. You have to keep on these people. You shot yourself in the foot when you sent the estoppel because now they can't respond to your requests, or they will pretend that they can't. It gives them no option really.
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. Thanks Butch, Ill do that. It seems as if there are several different approaches/or points of view on how to handle certain situations on this board. I guess I'll just have to choose the one that I see fit.
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. It appears that in your opinion I should take a cue from those who subscribe to the "HEY THERE YOU DUMB CLUCK! WHY DON'T YOU WAKE UP AND DIE RIGHT" approach. While I could do that quite easily I just happen to think it just about as boorish as the BUHAHAHAHAHA approach. So? Everyone has an opinion. Great. You probably have never had a need for a lot of things. I've noticed that you do. Why? Because they keep coming up with statements that plainly show they are ignorant of the facts and know not that of which they speak yet attempt to teach others their ignorance. The following is a prime example of that. There you go. A prime example! Estoppel does not carry the same legal significance as either "Cease & Desist" or "Refuse to Pay." It really makes no difference what they pretend. What makes a difference is when the letter works which it seems to do somewhere around half the time. And if it don't, so what? With a success rate somewhere around 50% which is approximately the same rate of success as spamming the credit bureus then it would be even better since spamming credit bureaus can take a year or more sometimes and obviously would be much more cost effective. And yet another prime example. Let me illustrate. Option #1. Ignore it. Option #2. Tell the sender how dumb he is for sending it. Option #3. Throw in the towel and give up, return the debt to the OC if possible and take it off all credit bureau reports. Those who choose option #1 will probably ignore anything else one sends them as well until they get a summons to court or the debtor throws in the towel. Au contrare, Monseuer it does give them options. Now you have some options too. Option #1. Take the boorish approach Option #2. Take the BUHAHAHAHAHA approach. Option #3. Come up with some other equally ignorant comment or wisecrack. Option #4. Ignore everything and act like you didn't understand a word my reply. Option #5. Push the alert button and claim you have been attacked and falsely accused. Option #6. Wait for the next opportunity and launch a new ad hominum attack. Option #7. Learn something so that you don't keep on making the same ignorant mistakes over and over again. Have a nice day which ever option you choose.
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. Butch, What type of specific violations do I have here, just curious. Thanks! Now Bill, what would YOU do in this case of the late payments of the OC who is already paid off? Don't you think that filing a suit against them for an an acct already paid off will just make them delete or fix the late pays? They have nothing to win and everything to lose by going to court. It seems that deleting or fixing the late pays is the way to go for them.
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. Not necessarily so. One other option they might very well have is to file motion to dismiss on grounds that no grounds have been stated upon which to grant relief and then file a countersuit on you for filing a false and frivolous law suit on them, demanding their expenses be paid and demanding sanctions against you. They win and you lose big time. If they demand sanctions against you it is entirely possible that you could end up in jail over it. Things are not always as they seem at first glance. Running around filing law suits on people is usually just about the last thing one wants to do. What would I do? I would recommend either my paid off estoppel letter or some of the nutcase letters. Anything but file a law suit on them.
Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. I may have missed some, but you can probably start with the violations I outlined in my previous post.
Re: Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. The idea here Jas, is to gradually increase the pressure until you get cooperation. To send letter after letter, and then as a last resort, send more letters completely annihilates your own credibility. Because of all the correspondence you've already sent, it's time to serve them with a case number. Regardless of what other [knowledgeable] people tell you, to take several steps forward and then 10 steps backward your adversary will have the impression that you are without serious argument and haven't the ability or intention to follow through with your process. At the particular stage you are in with these people right now ask your self: "What do I need to do right now to make these people understand that I'm damn serious"? Also ask yourself: "What have I done so far that would cause them to take me seriously"? Or better yet: "What have I done to cause them to assume that I'm NOT serious"? I really think my success is attributed to the implication I've always left these people with, and that is; "I CAN'T WAIT TO SUE YOU BASTARDS!!!" As Tsun Su said, in "The Art Of War" "The best way to avoid war, is to NOT fear it". Your answer is get filed.
Re: Re: Re: nutcase backfired! Plus esptoppel. estoppel is not worthless. Butch knows what he is talking about. that is all.