OA still reporting even after I am paing CA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by maximrdr, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. maximrdr

    maximrdr New Member

    OA still reporting even after I am paying CA

    I had an outstanding student loan from my University that could not be consolidated with my Federal student loans. I did not realize that my loan was outstanding/unconsolidated until I received a collection notice from a Collections Agency. I have made arrangements with the collections agencey to pay it off.

    I pulled my credit last week and it still shows the OA (The University) showing 180+ past due. While the Collections Agency show it as current.

    How do I remove the OA from my report? Shouldn't the OA reporting be removed since they sold it off to the collection agency and am current with them?

  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    They can continue to report whether they still own the account or even if they assigned the payment rights. Do you know if the collection entity purchased the rights? If they did, OA should be reporting the account as "paid" and not, 180 days past due. It should not, moreover, be reporting as transferred/sold without stating paid. In addition, the collection agency should be reporting the account as "closed" and a "collection" status. Any reference to a past due balance or "open" status is inaccurate.

    Dispute the OA tradeline on the above premise if applicable. If the collection entity did purchase the tradeline, attempt to dispute it as well on the above grounds and also look for dates of last activity/dates of initial delinquency. Match those to any date sold and corresponding balance histories within both tradelines.

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